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Welcoming a baby isn’t just a one-time event. It’s a journey that unfolds over years to come—long after they’ve grown out of the actual “baby” stage. That’s why, when you’re creating your baby registry, you should look at the big picture. 

Beyond registering for products that will be useful down the road (hint: get a high chair now!), you should also look at what benefits the baby registry itself offers. And, with Target’s Year of Benefits, you can truly expect months and months of perks. 

Even before you take the Year of Benefits into account, registering with Target is an easy decision. With convenient shopping and shipping options all over the country, you can create your registry the way that works for you. Then your gift-givers can shop and get their presents delivered to you in a way that works for them. 

As for the options, well all you need to do is stroll past Target’s baby section to get an idea of the amazing, adorable selection. From a wide selection of top products—like Graco, Honest Company, Ingenuity and more—to brands that are exclusive to Target, there are options for every baby registry essential and at every price point.

That’s why Target was already a leading choice for parents creating their baby registries… Then the Year of Benefits made the deal even sweeter. Here’s why Target’s Year of Benefits makes starting a baby registry better than ever.

You get one year (!!) of exclusive deals

Let’s put it this way: Registering with Target is a gift that keeps on giving for 12 full months after your baby’s due date. That means you’ll still be tapping into exclusive deals when your baby starts teething, grows into new clothing sizes (again and again), is ready for solid foods, gears up for walking and so on. 

It’s easy to keep track of deals on products like diapers, formula, feeding products, clothes and more through your Target Circle account—which is great news when you’re busy making memories with your baby. You also get free, easy returns or exchanges with anything from your baby registry for one year. So, if your baby went through a growth spurt before you opened a new box of diapers or got the chance to dress them in a cute outfit, you can send it back to the store and swap it out for the next size up.

The fun begins with a Free Welcome Kit

You don’t need to wait for the gifts on your baby registry to start getting delivered! When you create your baby registry with Target, you can pick up a Free Welcome Kit in stores. Valued at more than $100, the goodie bag is filled with coupons and samples. Of course, getting free things is fun all on its own—but this is also a great opportunity to get a feel for some products that you might want to add to your registry.

You’ll save 15% on anything remaining on your registry

Starting when you get to the eight-week countdown to your baby’s due date, you can save 15% on each and every product from Target that remains on your registry. That’s all the more reason to add some necessities to your registry, like diapers in multiple sizes, some postpartum supplies for yourself and the gear your baby will need down the road. Better yet? You actually get two 15% off coupons: One to use online and one to use in stores. 

Pro tip: Target’s Year of Benefits is for any expectant mama—whether it’s your first or tenth baby on the way. Even if you’re just planning to buy baby products for yourself, creating a registry is a great idea, especially when you consider that 15% off coupon!

You can truly make your registry your own

Target is an amazing one-stop-shop for finding just about everything you need for your baby. But, if you do come across the perfect item for your registry from another store or website, you can still add it to your Target registry. To do this, you just need to pull up the link to the product and add it to your Target registry—which makes things much simpler for anyone who is looking to buy a baby gift for you. Target even makes it better for your friends and family with the group-gifting option that allows multiple people to contribute toward bigger ticket items, such as a crib or stroller.

The Universal Registry isn’t the only way to put a personal touch on your Target registry: You can also add photos, create a custom URL and share details about your journey. And, because #mombrain is a real thing, Target helps you keep track of which gifts came from who so you can send thank-you notes to the right people. 

See more of what Target’s Year of Benefits has to offer and start your registry today.