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Babywearing isn’t a singular experience that looks the same for every person. Even for the same person, what babywearing looks like evolves over time as their baby grows and their needs change—and that’s something I really learned first-hand during my journey of babywearing my three children throughout the past six+ years. 

When my oldest child was born, I loved the concept of keeping him close to me while we enjoyed walks around the neighborhood or socialized with friends at public events. But by the time my second and then third babies arrived—in a total of three and a half years!—babywearing became an essential part of our daily lives. Truly, it was the only way I was able to get things done during many moments. 

Throughout my long and varied babywearing journey, that meant I tried out several different carriers because few were able to meet all my needs—until the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony was released. This do-it-all carrier is the only one you need from the newborn days up through toddlerhood. 

The BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony came into my life during a particularly busy season when I am almost always on the move. If I am not shuttling my kids to school, sports or the playground, I am working, taking care of things around the house or trying to squeeze in a few precious moments to myself. 

Basically, the typical snapshot of our lives is so different from my earliest days of parenting. There were honestly many moments when I struggled with mom guilt from not being able to give my youngest child the same leisurely lifestyle that I had enjoyed before having three mobile kids. But, with the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony’s back-carrying option, I have the chance again to keep my youngest close to me while we go on family outings or take in the sights at the zoo. For me, those bonding moments are precious and priceless gifts that I may not have had if my toddler was running off to keep up with his big siblings. Although that still happens often enough!

Because we got the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony when our “baby” was already 2 years old, my husband and I generally opt for the back-carrying position. Still, I was so impressed to see how easily the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony could be used for a newborn as well as in front carry modes with your baby facing in or out. 

Harmony Back Carry Landscape - Motherly

With all my experience babywearing, I’m also pretty critical of how easy it is to put on a carrier and adjust the straps. (My husband is 6’ 4”, so suffice it to say we need to modify the straps when we’re trading off.) On these fronts, the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony seriously exceeded my standards by being easy to put on and adjust. 

Even with a squirmy toddler, it is simple to get him into the back-carrying position—and it helps that he is always excited to “go for a ride” on my back. As the wearer of a little guy who is closing in on 30 lbs. and who also tends to run hot, I also appreciate the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony’s breathable 3D mesh that keeps us both cool and comfortable. Then, when he’s ready to get down and run around, the compact Baby Carrier Harmony easily fits into a bag.

With my youngest getting bigger and bigger every day, I see the end of my babywearing days right around the corner. While I’m so excited to see what the next chapter will bring for our family, it’s a little heart-wrenching to think I won’t even be able to pick up my kiddos someday soon. Do I have tears in my eyes while writing this? Yes, yes I do…

That’s why my advice to new parents who are just starting out on this beautiful journey is to find a baby carrier you love—and then use it as often as possible. And, with the BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Harmony, you’ll be ready to make years of sweet babywearing memories. 

Learn more about the Baby Carrier Harmony on the BabyBjörn website.