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It’s hard to grasp the complexity of juggling your baby’s feeding schedule with your own work and life to-dos until you’re in the thick of it. You’ve got a mountain of emails to get through, laundry piled everywhere, and a tiny human that needs you for everything. It’s a new world where your heart is full, but so is your plate─and (at least in the beginning) the idea that you will someday have a manageable daily routine seems like a fantasy. But it will happen.

Every baby’s routine is a little different, but the right bottle can make all the difference. And, surprise! Not all bottles are created equally, but with the unique vent system designed to reduce colic and gas in babies, Dr. Brown’s bottles are a go-to for many parents looking for an option easily customizable to baby’s age and stage. Here are four tips to help you find your daily flow with the help of Dr. Brown’s bottles.

Follow your baby’s cues for the first few weeks

Give yourself grace, mama, and let go of the pre-baby expectations. Daily rhythms look a little different with a newborn, and that’s OK.

The first few weeks are all about getting to know your new baby and following their cues for hunger and sleep. Figuring out when and how often to feed your baby can be an all-encompassing learning curve. It takes time to feel like you have some control over your day again, and the first 4 to 6 blurry weeks are a lesson in taking things one day at a time.

Your little one may want to eat every two hours or even more frequently, and that’s completely normal. Feeding on demand helps establish a milk supply for breastfeeding mamas. Plus, newborn tummies are so tiny they can only handle small amounts at a time. For bottle-feeding mamas, Dr. Brown’s newborn bottles are designed for this age and phase, with a slow-flow nipple perfect for newborns.

Enlist your partner’s help with feeds

As your baby starts to take a bottle, Dr. Brown’s bottles make it easy for your partner to participate in feeding and bonding time with your baby. Having your partner (or any trusted family or friend) take over some feedings helps your baby get comfortable with bottle feeding and opens up indispensable ‘me-time’ for you. Imagine reclaiming moments for a long, uninterrupted shower or focusing on your work without multitasking.

We asked one mama of a 5-month-old what her daily routine looks like as a part-time work-from-home parent: She sets her alarm for 6 a.m., a little sleepy but cherishing the early hours when the house is silent. While she’s focused on work, her husband takes the morning shift. He prepares a Dr. Brown’s bottle for their little one, allowing him to nourish his own bond during early feedings. When it’s time for him to head to work, mama jumps back in to take over.

It’s a win-win situation: you get the space to focus on what you need to do while your partner experiences their own special bonding time with your little one.

Consider pumping or combination feeding

As your little one’s schedule becomes (slightly) more predictable and your partner or other caregivers take on some of the feeding responsibility, you can fit in time to pump. In those early weeks, the idea of carving out time in between feeding sessions seems impossible, but as time goes on, it’s more doable than it seems.

Breastfeeding mamas may be able to pump and get things done while your little one naps (or while a partner or family member helps out with some feedings). For some mamas, mornings are the perfect time to be productive and peaceful (or maybe it’s the evenings for you!). Plus, milk supply is often higher in the morning, so if you’re an early riser, you can pump and build up a stash of milk for when you need it.

You may also find that combination feeding (where your baby receives both breastmilk and formula or pumped milk from a bottle) works best for your family. Dr. Brown’s bottles are designed to mimic breastfeeding as closely as possible, making it easier for your baby to switch between breast and bottle if that’s the path you choose.

Expect the unexpected and embrace flexibility

If becoming a new mama can be summed up in one lesson, it’s this: expect change. Just when you think you’ve got a schedule you can count on, your baby will come down with their first cold, enter a sleep regression (four months anyone?), or just have an off day. The unexpected is expected and completely normal.

We all want predictability, but your baby won’t always follow the same schedule. Embrace the flexibility as best you can (and know that everything does pass eventually). Some days your little one may only want the bottle, other days she’ll want nothing more than to cuddle up to you for comfort. The design of Dr. Brown’s nipples makes it easier for your baby to go back and forth between the bottle and breast, and the anti-colic venting system helps reduce the chances of gas and fussiness.

It can take time to find your routine (and a willingness to pivot), but you will find it, and Dr. Brown’s bottles can make the journey a little easier.