Viral video shows airplane passenger screaming in anger over a crying baby on his flight

A video of an angry man yelling on a Southwest Airlines flight is going viral—because the man is screaming about a crying baby who was also on the flight.
The video, which has racked up more than 184,000 views on TikTok, shows him screaming at a flight attendant for a crying baby on the plane in a video filmed by a fellow passenger titled, “Belligerent passenger causes diversion.”
While the viewer doesn’t initially know what occurred immediately prior to the recording, it becomes clear that the angry passenger is upset over the fact that a baby was crying on the plane. Instead of calming down—which his seatmate and presumable partner clearly wishes he would do—he grows more and more irate and takes it out on the flight attendants. He uses profanity more than 20 times toward Southwest crew and fellow passengers.
“You’re yelling,” one flight attendant says to the angry passenger.
“So is the baby!” the fully grown adult man says, while his seatmate holds her head in her hands.
Related: Mom’s viral TikTok is a must-watch for anyone who gets mad about crying babies on airplanes
The fellow passengers ended up having to de-plane because of the man’s tantrum, which surely outlasted the crying of the baby in question.
While plenty of people regularly make it known they don’t like living in a society with children who sometimes cry in public, including on an aircraft, seeing a grown adult have a violent meltdown over a baby shouldn’t be found funny at all. Many commenters have been joking about the man’s retorts, but it’s actually really sad to see how much children and their parents can be reviled by others. Because honestly, no one was suffering more than that crying child’s parents—and to behave so abominably about it, as a fellow member of society and passenger on the plane—is not only inexcusable, it’s incredibly selfish.
Many people offered their comments on the video, which has gone viral on both TikTok and Twitter.
Related: To the mama on the plane with the screaming baby—I understand
Non-private airplanes are not luxurious havens for travelers, they’re city buses in the sky. If you hate the sound of crying children and can’t afford a private plane for just yourself, then may I suggest noise-canceling headphones and a Benadryl?