From viral TikToks to Instagram moms, Motherly brings you funny, relatable diversions you didn’t know you needed.
"At 5 a.m., I decided to call the police and report the parents missing."
“You were our safe place when a lot of us didn’t live in a safe place. Your voice made us feel loved.”
Telling a 3-year-old to eat "good" foods before "bad" foods is not the move.
"I am a little bit more conservative when it comes to my kid's clothes."
"NASA rejected me 11 times, but I never gave up, even though my friends said it was a silly idea."
Would you do this?
Suppressing emotions is something that is still stereotypically masculine, and that needs to change
Invisible labor affects moms in more ways than people may realize.
Move over Dorothy and Margaret, Ashley and Amanda are the new “old people names.”
It’s not because they made bad muffins.
This mom doesn't seem to realize that, especially as kids get older, family and friend parties are very different.
Need a cute date night in? Here you go!
“If I see puddle jumpers, I’m gonna pop ‘em.”
"Every day I get called old in a new way"
"All a parent like me ever wants is a glimpse inside their child's secret world — and we're getting it now."
The technique from Big Little Feelings’ Deena Margolin is helpful for parents, too.
"She said I'm obligated to pay half and I said take me to court then"
"I feel like some people are going to disagree with me on this take, but I find it so weird when someone makes hating kids such a huge part of their personality"
“I have something that you need to hear. You're going to be a mom, one day and you're going to be a damn good one.”
"I think that simply having these kinds of open, public conversations about women's health is an accomplishment."