Every mom needs to hear this completely reasonable list of holiday boundaries for newborns

"We're not playing hot potato with a newborn or an infant.8i0-]\"
With the holiday season officially here, those with newborns and infants have a whole minefield to navigate when it comes to hosting family, attending gatherings, and setting boundaries with your new baby. But if that’s you, you’re going to want to watch this video, which is going viral for helping new moms set perfectly reasonable holiday boundaries for infants and newborns.
In the video, the mom talks about her own boundaries when it comes to holiday gatherings with a newborn, and you’ll probably want to just steal all of these.
“It’s holiday season — let’s talk baby boundaries,” she says, before diving right in.
“Baby won’t be passed around. We’re not playing hot potato with a newborn or an infant. We’re just not doing it,” she says. “We’re not sharing photos without permission. I think this is the strangest thing ever. If the parent hasn’t even announced that they had a newborn, let’s not share those Christmas newborn photos without them having shared them first. Let’s just not do that.”
The next one is so important during COVID, flu, and RSV season: “Kissing our babies,” she says. “We’re not kissing babies this holiday season.”
Newborns don’t have their vaccines or strong immune systems yet. Kissing them is a really easy way to spread diseases that could make them really sick.
Her next boundary? “Keep your advice inside — to yourself — unless we actually ask for it. We don’t want to hear it. Keep it to yourself.”
She adds that people need to be understanding of parents who need to leave holiday events and gatherings early — especially when their kids are young. Come on — they’re tired. Their kids have schedules and needs. Cut them some slack. She also notes that breastfeeding moms should not have to go to another room (especially if it’s a bathroom because come on). They can and should feed their babies right there at the dinner table because it’s family and everyone eats together.
And finally, “Let’s not talk about the comments on moms’ bodies,” she says. “And how her body’s changed since she became a mom, because not cool. We’re being patient. We’re giving grace. We’re not expecting us to be the same as we were last year or two years before because now we have these babies and these kids. Things are different. Let’s respect where we’re at in the season and let’s not judge new mamas.”
Moms, if you want to just send this video straight to all attendees ahead of any holiday gathering, that should work.