Girl Scout cookie season is once again upon us, so it’s time for legions of little girls to take to the streets (and the web, because we live in the digital age and entrepreneurial skills know no boundaries) and hawk boxes of sweet, sweet, Samoa goodness. There’s just one thing we all need to talk about before we set out to find a table where we can procure our annual allotment of Thin Mints: Let’s keep diet culture away from the cookies, mmkay?

That’s the message in a viral Instagram post. Shared by the account @mondaydieter, it reads, “When you’re approached by a Girl Scout selling cookies, please do not…”

It then goes on to list things you should not say to little girls who are trying to sell you delicious treats, such as, “Mention your diet,” “Talk about calories,” “Point out your body flaws,” and “Ask which cookies are the healthiest.”

Do not “narrate out loud why you’re not buying them if it has to do with your weight” or “if you can’t have them in the house because you’ll eat the whole box,” the post continues. “A simple NO THANK YOU goes a long way for our girls.”

Amen to all of that. I still remember some of the diet-centric comments I heard when I sold Girl Scout cookies when I was 9 years old—almost 25 years ago! Those things stick with you. Spare this generation of Girl Scouts and just say, “No thanks.”

In the caption, @mondaydieter wrote, “Please spread this message and share this post. Our girls, are simply trying to sell you cookies. They shouldn’t worry about the calories of the cookies, the diet the person they’re selling to is on, or the body flaw that’s causing a person not to purchase.” 

They added this very important point: “Diet and body shame is learned. Please please be aware of this when you’re approached. A simple no thank you, is completely acceptable. In fact, it’s perfect. Thank you, from parents of little girls everywhere.”

And with that, happy cookie season to all who celebrate. I, for one, will be enjoying my Tagalongs in moderation with no guilt whatsoever, because a healthy relationship with food and your body means knowing you can do that.