‘Love Is Blind’ star Alexa Lemieux opens up about ‘heartbreaking’ infertility journey on TikTok

Alexa Lemieux/TikTok
“I have something that you need to hear. You're going to be a mom, one day and you're going to be a damn good one.”
According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 6 people globally are affected by infertility. Fans of Love Is Blind and Alexa Lemieux know she’d been struggling to get pregnant with her husband Brennon, and she shared an encouraging TikTok giving herself shots, and Brennon giving her shots, in her abdomen to try to get pregnant. Infertility is often a silent struggle for couples, and she brought this struggle to light.
Lemieux is currently pregnant with her first child, but she wanted to help other women feel less alone if they’re still struggling with infertility.
In her caption, she shared what she thought at the beginning of her trying to conceive (TTC) journey, and it’s what many couples think at the beginning when TTC. “I thought we would decide one day to become parents and it would just happen.”
But like for many of us, it isn’t always that simple.
She continued, “Doctor after doctor told me I was completely healthy and there was no explanation as to why I wasn’t getting pregnant. A year and a half and two failed IUI treatments later, there was still no baby.”
And she said she did “all the things” you’re “supposed to do” when trying to get pregnant.
“I cut out alcohol and caffeine, got weekly acupuncture, ate all the ‘warming foods,’ and tried almost everything people recommended,” she said. “After a while, I really believed I may never see those two pink lines and have a baby of my own that would one day call me mama. They say when you least expect it, it will happen. This journey has been one of the hardest things I have ever been through, but it was worth the wait.”
The couple shared on Instagram on January 26 that their baby would arrive in 2024.
In the TikTok video, she offers words of encouragement for others going through this tough time. Lemieux said, “I have something that you need to hear. You’re going to be a mom, one day and you’re going to be a damn good one.”
“I know that right now it feels like it just keeps moving further and further out of your grasp, but you are strong, you are resilient, and you are relentless, and you’re gonna make this happen one day,” she said.
“You’re going to look back at this sad, painful, frustrating time of your life, and you’re going to say I would do it all over again ten fold if it brings me to where I am now.”
Lemieux also shared a reminder in her caption to not ask people when they’re having kids, or why they aren’t having kids yet.
“Just a friendly reminder that you never know what someone is going through. While asking someone when they’re going to have babies comes from a completely harmless place, it can be a heartbreaking question for a lot of women who are struggling. I’m sprinkling baby dust on any woman who is going through infertility and waiting on their baby,” she said.
Many viewers shared their own stories in the comments, feeling empowered because Lemieux was brave enough to share her infertility story.
“Thank you for sharing this. So many of us struggle and are told we have to stay in silence. Thank you for spreading awareness and being vulnerable,” one fan shared in the comments.
“Four years of infertility & two chemical pregnancies hoping one this I get those two pink lines,” shared another.
Another woman going through IVF commented, “Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story. Such a hard journey but the reward is worth it! I’m almost 7 weeks with our miracle IVF babe.”
And some viewers shared that they were able to finally conceive, and shared their story. “Seven years TTC and there is nothing like hearing that heartbeat for the first time when you thought you never would,” said Kate.
Congratulations to the Lemieux family and many thanks to Alexa for bringing awareness to an often silent struggle.