‘Team Green’ goes viral: One mom’s take on waiting to find out baby’s sex

Tiktok / @jojohnsonoverby
“If you want to do ‘Team Green’ in one of your pregnancies, I think you should choose your first one.”
TikTok creator @jojohnsonoverby’s “parenthood hot take” about being Team Green—waiting until birth to find out the sex of her babies. With over 1.6 million views and over 1,300 comments, her perspective on why Team Green is the best choice for a first pregnancy resonated with both expectant parents and seasoned moms and dads.
Jo, currently pregnant with her third baby, explained that while she’s loved her experiences as Team Green for her first two pregnancies, opting to find out the sex this time around has given her a fresh perspective. “If you want to do ‘Team Green’ in one of your pregnancies, I think you should choose your first one,” she shared in her viral video. “You get more practical things off your registry, and all of your gifting from friends and family can apply to any child in the future.”
@jojohnsonoverby also overall gifts were sooo practical compared to my friends that chose to do a reveal!! #teamgreen #parenthood #pregnancy #genderreveal ♬ original sound – Jo Johnson
Her video’s comment section became a treasure trove of insights from parents who had similar experiences. One commenter, @infamousjoi, noted, “We are doing Team Green currently, and our registry can be for every single child in the future!” Another, @oliviawallach, agreed, saying, “It was the best decision I ever made not finding out, and we actually got stuff from our registry!”
This practicality—receiving essentials rather than gender-specific clothes or toys—was a key selling point for many parents who chimed in. Others shared the unexpected benefits of keeping the baby’s sex a mystery, like avoiding invasive questions. As Jo pointed out, “I cannot believe how much more invasive the questions are [when people know the sex].
They want to know a name, they want to know…” One commenter, @graciejohnson, added, “The amount of people wanting to know if we were going to circumcise him was just insane. Like, why is that knowledge you need?”
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Of course, there’s no “right” way to approach this decision. Many parents admitted they loved knowing the sex ahead of time to better plan or bond with their baby. Some dreamed of going Team Green but felt the idea of not knowing would be too stressful.
Others, like @torriehayesastudil, found it added a layer of excitement to their later pregnancies after already experiencing the journey with boys and girls. “I loved not knowing. I wanted to know for the first two,” Torrie shared.
Personally, I’ve been Team Green for all three of my pregnancies, and it’s a decision I’ve never regretted. With my first baby, I cherished the moment in the delivery room when my OB announced, “It’s a boy!” as he was placed on my chest. My husband and I felt this raw, unfiltered joy—a moment untouched by expectations or planning. My second, a baby girl, brought an equally epic experience.
For our second and third, we relished the same surprise, even as loved ones begged us to find out the sex to make their gift-giving easier. “We want to buy you cute baby clothes!” they’d say, but honestly? I didn’t care. The practical, gender-neutral gear from our registry served us well for all three kids. And as it turned out, our parents and siblings couldn’t resist buying adorable baby clothes right after each of our little ones was born, making sure we never missed out on the fun of those tiny, personalized outfits.
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That said, being Team Green does come with challenges. The questions can be persistent, and yes, as Jo pointed out, the urge to peek can be hard to resist. But for me, the magic of waiting until birth always outweighed the uncertainty.
When I suffered a life-threatening placental abruption with my third child, the experience reshaped my perspective on what truly matters. Waking up in a hazy, confused state after an emergency c-section, I learned I had delivered my second daughter.
My husband wasn’t even allowed in the operating room, and the big, joyful moment we had envisioned was replaced by overwhelming gratitude. My baby girl and I had both survived harrowing and unexpected medical complications, and that was all that mattered. Finding out the sex of the baby felt secondary to the miracle of her safe arrival.
Ultimately, the decision to be Team Green or not is deeply personal. It’s okay to find out with one baby and wait with another. It’s okay to need that connection early on by knowing the sex or to embrace the “ultimate mystery box” experience. As Jo wisely reminded her audience, “There’s no right answer. Anytime you find out, it’s a surprise.”
Whether you’re planning to join Team Green, already there, or simply curious about the trend, know this: every pregnancy is unique, and every choice is valid. What matters most is doing what feels right for you, your baby, and your growing family.