Meet the 33-pound baby who has the NFL’s attention

Tiktok / @sydney.frost8
At a remarkably cozy 33 pounds, this Texas tot has not only captured the attention of over 10 million viewers but also caught the eye of the Detroit Lions.
Move over Michelin Man, there’s a new chunky champion in town, and he’s stealing hearts faster than he’s outgrowing onesies. Meet Carson Frost, the five-month-old TikTok sensation who’s giving both Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the Pillsbury Doughboy a run for their money in the absolutely adorable squeezability department.
At a remarkably cozy 33 pounds, this Texas tot has not only captured the attention of over 10 million viewers but also caught the eye of the Detroit Lions, who clearly recognize talent when they see it. “You have our attention,” the team commented on TikTok, presumably already imagining those precious chunky legs charging down the field sometime around 2042.
@sydney.frost8 Dialing the NFL now… Breaking news: No contract for these rolls yet. Coaches, what’s the holdup? 🤔📞 #ChunkyBaby #nflbabydraft @NFL @Denver Broncos @Dallas Cowboys @New England Patriots @Philadelphia Eagles @Washington Commanders @Green Bay Packers @Buffalo Bills @Baltimore Ravens @Houston Texans @los angeles chargers @Pittsburgh Steelers @ #motomoto #nfl #superbowl #superbowlsunday #espnnfl #chunkybabytiktok ♬ Phone ya – Claudia
While Carson entered the world as a robust 10-pounder (though as any pediatrician will tell you, birth weight has about as much predictive power as a Magic 8 Ball—my son is over a foot taller than me and weighed quite a bit less at birth than I did), he hasn’t looked back, currently rocking 18-24 month clothing like it’s nobody’s business. (And size 7 diapers as one commenter pointed out!)
And while some might attribute his impressive gains to an ambitious appetite, his mom Sydney reveals he’s actually a surprisingly moderate eater, nursing for just 15 minutes before drifting off to dreamland. (Honestly, what kind of superpower breast milk is she producing? Because that’s the real story here.)
The internet’s newest celebrity comes by his size honestly—his dad stands at 6’3″, with uncles towering at 6’8″ and 6’9″. Though as Sydney notes, that adorable broadness? That’s all from her side. Between his genetic destiny and those irresistible rolls, Carson has become such a public sensation that strangers regularly ask permission to squeeze his legs. (Listen, we get it. The temptation is real.)
Commenter Stoneidol2 perfectly captured the vibe by noting they “loved his work in The Boss Baby,” and honestly? The resemblance is uncanny. Carson has even found himself a potential future teammate in another viral chunky baby, Callum Souza, who tips the scales at 31 pounds. A playdate is apparently in the works, and we can only imagine the combined cuteness these two will bring to the table.
In a world of carefully curated social media perfection, there’s something wonderfully refreshing about watching a genuinely happy, healthy baby take the internet by storm simply by being his adorably rotund self. And while Carson might not be quite ready for the NFL draft just yet, he’s certainly tackled our hearts.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go watch that belly roll video just one more time. For research purposes, obviously.
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