Remember when the coronavirus began and we were all busy crafting remote learning charts filled with day-long educational activities? Now that we’re a month in, we have to admit that our priorities have shifted a bit. We’re all in survival mode, and a full seven hours of learning isn’t always realistic.

The Illinois Board of Education recently released a 60-page document that “acknowledges that all students, families, and schools are diverse and supports remote learning that meets local needs, and to the greatest extent possible, minimizes the negative impact this unprecedented moment has on our students’ educational trajectories.”

Within the document is a remote learning chat that seems a bit more functional given the circumstances that we’re all trying to survive. The chart—broken down by grade level—reveals the maximum and minimum hours children should remote learn.

Illinois Board of Education

This new guidance seems to loosen the requirements for remote learning and is a welcome break from the overscheduled madness of zoom calls and e-learning platforms. It also offers activities kids can engage in to enrich their physical health and family relationships like dancing, gardening, and coloring—all important skills that little ones should develop. But perhaps the most important aspect is the ask that everyone model resilience and assume flexibility and grace for all.

“As educators work to implement these recommendations, we call upon everyone to assume flexibility and grace for all. At this moment, we will all need to model resilience, critical and creative thinking, thoughtful responsiveness and empathy to ensure that students continue to grow personally, academically, and linguistically.

Of course, these are only suggested guidelines and if you feel your child needs more or less time, please do so. You know your child better than anyone mama, and we must do what’s best for our families during these turbulent times. As usual, you’ve got this.