Pregnant Katy Perry says ‘it’s a girl’

Orlando Bloom is going to be a #girldad.
Last month Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom announced some big news: The engaged pair are expecting a baby!
Perry announced her pregnancy when the music video for her single, “Never Worn White” showed her rocking a bump and this weekend she announced she’s expecting a girl…by posting a photo of Bloom’s face covered in pink frosting.
She geotagged the photo “Girls Run the World” and captioned it ” It’s a girl .”
Clearly, this man is thrilled about becoming a #girldad.
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Perry is due in the summer, as she previously noted on Instagram.
“Let’s just say it’s gonna be a jam packed summer…” she captioned her original pregnancy announcement.
“OMG, so glad I don’t have to suck it in anymore,” Perry tweeted after the big news went public.
“I am excited. We’re excited and happy and it’s probably the longest secret I’ve ever had to keep,” Perry explained in a live stream with fans.
Of course not long after Perry announced her pregnancy the world changed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Because of the pandemic, Perry and Bloom have postponed their wedding, according to People and are pretty much just laying low at home trying to enjoy Perry’s pregnancy as much as possible during this difficult time.
Perry recently told Stellar Magazine that the wedding is about more than throwing a big bash, so while it would be totally normal to be disappointed by having to postpone it, the mom-to-be seems to be in a good place regarding her nuptials.
She told Stellar: “It’s not about the party. It’s about the coming together of people who will hold us accountable when things get really hard. Those are just the facts when you’re with someone who challenges you to be your best self.”
The little girl Bloom and Perry are expecting will have a lot of people to love on her. While this is the first child for Perry, Bloom is already a dad to a 9-year-old boy who will soon be a big brother.
Congratulations to Perry + Bloom!