The CDC said yes to free Coronavirus testing for all Americans thanks to this mom + congresswoman

Thank you, Katie Porter.
[Editor’s note: Motherly does not endorse any political party or candidate. We stand with and for mothers and advocate for solutions that will reduce maternal stress and benefit women, families and the country.]
The COVID-19 pandemic is serious and so was California Representative Katie Porter (D) when she asked for free testing for all Americans. The solo mom of three made her point during a House hearing on the pandemic, peppering officials about the out-of-pocket costs for uninsured people who need COVID-19 tests.
And Porter got results. She got Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to commit to free coronavirus testing.
“I did the math: a full battery of coronavirus testing costs at minimum $1,331. I also did the legal research: the Administration has the authority to make testing free for every American TODAY. I secured a commitment from a high-level Trump official that they’d actually do it,” Porter tweeted, along with a video of her advocating strongly during the hearing.
I did the math: a full battery of coronavirus testing costs at minimum $1,331.
I also did the legal research: the…
— Rep. Katie Porter (@RepKatiePorter)
This mom would not back down in demanding testing for all families because COVID-19 does not discriminate based on wealth or insurance. She persevered, and she got it done.”
Dr. Redfield,” Porter said, after making her case again and again. “You don’t need to do any work to ‘operationalize.’ You need to make a commitment to the American people so they come in to get tested. You can operationalize the payment structure tomorrow.”
And with that, she got it done. “I think you’re an excellent questioner,” said Redfield, “so my answer is yes.”
Yes. Testing will be covered. Thanks to a mother who overcame serious gaps in the childcare system to represent her constituents in Congress. Thank you, Katie Porter.