We would never call Jennifer Garner a fun-killing mom. After all, her annual “Yes Day” (where she says yes to everything her kids want to do) sounds pretty fun. But, apparently her nine-year-old daughter Seraphina disagrees—at least for the purposes of a pretty funny joke. Seraphina (Garner’s oldest) recently left a note for her mom, writing: “When I grow up, I want to be a fun-killing mom, just like you!” “Is this a nine year old burn?” Garner captioned the shot when she shared the note on Instagram. “Or the ultimate compliment?”

Garner has admitted being pretty strict about junk food (at least 364 days of the year), but honestly, she looks like a pretty fun mom. It seems likely that Seraphina knows this, but is messing with her mom in the funny way that only our own kids can.
This isn’t the first time Garner has shared a note from one of her kids. Back in January her then 5-year-old son Samuel left a less sarcastic note in for the next random reader of a library book he’d checked out and the sweetness melted our hearts. “Hello, You are loved. I believe in you,” Garner’s son wrote to the book’s next reader. ? Samuel is so sweet, and so is Garner. There’s a lot of photographic evidence of her being a fun mom. Like when she wore a 12-foot long scarf her daughter made for her, out in public, in front of paparazzi. Garner owned the look and seemed to have as much fun wearing the scarf as Seraphina had making it.
Clearly, Garner is doing a lot right when it comes to raising her kids. Her son’s note demonstrates empathy and kindness, and, even though it contains the phrase “fun-killing” her daughter’s note does the same. When a 9-year-old says they want to be just like you when they grow up, it really is the ultimate compliment. In a way, Seraphina’s note to her mom is sending the same message that her brother sent in his library book: “You are loved.” Congrats, Jen, you’ve got some amazing kids (and are obviously setting some limits for them, too).

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