Gigi Hadid + Zayn Malik’s baby is here!

The rumours are true. ❤️
Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik are parents! Hadid’s pregnancy was revealed to the world back in April, a bit earlier than the couple intended to share the news, but now they are sharing the best news.
“Our baby girl is here, healthy & beautiful,” Malik tweeted late Wednesday. “To try put into words how i am feeling right now would be an impossible task. The love i feel for this tiny human is beyond my understanding. Grateful to know her, proud to call her mine, & thankful for the life we will have together x”
Earlier this month fans started speculating that the couple had welcomed their baby after Gigi’s dad and sister dropped some hints on social media, but it seems the family was just super excited.
Bella Hadid posted a photo of her with her sister, captioning it: “two buns in the oven except mine is from my burger and gigi’s is from @zayn i love you both so freaking much -can’tstopcrying,”
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The sisters’ father, Mohamed Hadid, posted a letter to his grandchild on Instagram a day later.
“Hello little grandchild, it is me, my heart as happy as can be,” he wrote in the handwritten note. “I wish for you the sun & moon, I wish for you a happy time. Know that grandpa’s always here, I’ll do anything, anything for you, my dear.”
Now, that grandchild is here.
Congratulations to Gigi and Zayn! Your little one is obviously surrounded by people who love them.