Gigi Hadid says her maternity photoshoot ‘was definitely more tiring than working normally’

When you're this pregnant, everything is a bit harder.
Being in front of a camera is second nature for model Gigi Hadid, but now that she’s pregnant it’s way harder to keep her energy up, she explains.
Hadid’s comments come after she posted a series of maternity photos captured by photographers Luigi Murenu and Iango Henzi back in July. She didn’t post the pics for a month after they were taken, and when fans asked how it felt to be modeling while pregnant Hadid explained that it was fun but exhausting.
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“I loved it,” Hadid commented. “I knew what I wanted from the pics and Gab [stylist Gabriella Karefa-Johnson] and L&I really made it happen for me.”
As first reported by E!, the model mama noted that this shoot “was definitely more tiring than working normally.”
“Got through the second look and was like, ‘Guys I think I can only do two more,'” she explained. “Hahaaaa.”
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It makes sense that Hadid is tired. She might look like she’s just posing, but inside her body is working harder than an endurance athlete. As Motherly previously reported, a study published in the journal Science Advances found pregnant people and extreme distance runners have something in common: Both groups push their bodies to the limit of human endurance and potential. It turns out energy expenditure among extreme athletes pushing their limits is only slightly higher than that of pregnant people.
Seriously, if you can make it out of bed when you’re this pregnant, you’re winning, mama.
That’s one of the reasons why Hadid isn’t really trying to do daily photoshoots, and why she took a month to post the pics from this one. “I feel like, right now I just want to experience it, and I write in my journal a lot, and I just don’t want to worry about waking up every day during my pregnancy and, like, worry about having to, like, look cute or post something.”
She also says that right now her pregnancy isn’t the most newsworthy thing happening and she would like to direct people’s attention to causes like Black Lives Matter instead.
She may be a tired mama, but Hadid’s got her priorities straight.