A recent TikTok video of a little girl’s emotional reunion with her mom has captured the hearts of millions, striking a particularly deep chord with those of us navigating the complexities of co-parenting. The viral clip, which has amassed over 17 million views, shows a daughter’s tearful excitement upon seeing her mom at school, followed by the heartbreaking realization that it wasn’t yet her time to stay with mom.

@roxsam13 The heartbreaking side of equal custody, and the hardest part is knowing her little heart feels every minute we’re apart. I barely held it together. I picked her up and a gave her a big tight hug. Five days felt like forever! 🥺❤️ #equalcustody #5050custody #coparenting #coparentingstruggles #motheranddaughter #sharedparenting ♬ childhood – daniel.mp3 & Zamaro

As I watched this tender moment unfold, my breath caught in my throat. Even after eight years of co-parenting my own children, now a middle schooler and college student, I can still vividly recall those early days when my then 4-year-old would occasionally dissolve into tears at transition times. Those memories are etched into my heart—the way her little face would crumple, how her voice would catch as she asked to stay “just a little longer.”

But I was fortunate. I knew something that this little girl’s mom, Samantha Roxanne, clearly knows too: our children were safe, loved, and would be okay. In fact, I learned that my daughter would typically be chattering happily about her day before they even finished the five-minute drive to her dad’s house.

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My co-parenting journey has taught me that while those big emotions can feel overwhelming in the moment, they’re often just that—moments. Children are remarkably resilient, especially when supported by adults who put their needs first. As one commenter, Kaycee Birkett, wisely noted on the viral video, “This use to be my daughter… I know she wasn’t in danger so I’d never make a thing out of it. She now doesn’t cry.”

Over the years, I’ve learned that successful co-parenting comes in many forms. While some families opt for week-on, week-off arrangements, my ex and I chose a 2-2-3 schedule. Yes, it means more transitions, but we live close to each other, and both kids have consistently told us that more than three days apart from either parent feels too long. The key has been remaining flexible and regularly checking in with them about what works best.

Now, watching my teenagers navigate between homes with easy confidence, I’m struck by how natural it all feels to them. The biggest drama these days isn’t emotional goodbyes—it’s remembering to pack soccer cleats or science projects for the right house. At best, they have a whole team of parents and step-parents cheering them on from the sidelines, offering different perspectives and support in all the ways growing teenagers need.

Related: 5 tips for successful co-parenting, according to an expert

To parents viewing that viral TikTok with a heavy heart—whether you’re just starting your co-parenting journey or still finding your footing—please know that those tears don’t define your child’s experience. As another commenter, abbiallmon, beautifully expressed, “I promise-girls are warriors! She will grow up strong if you are strong for her.”

The most powerful gift we can give our children isn’t freedom from all difficult emotions—it’s showing them how to move through those feelings with grace and resilience. When they see us working together, maintaining respect and kindness even when it’s challenging, we’re teaching them invaluable lessons about relationships, adaptation, and love.

My teenagers now can’t imagine their lives any other way. And while co-parenting isn’t always easy, watching that viral video reminded me of something important: those early tears eventually dry, but the foundation of love, security, and support we build together lasts a lifetime.