Chrissy Teigen using breast pumps in car proves mamas are always multitasking

And by posting the photo John Legend proves he's super supportive.
Moms never really go off-duty. We know this, and so does father-of-two John Legend.
On Sunday night John Legend was headed out for a date night with wife Chrissy Teigen when he posted a pic that breastfeeding mamas can totally relate to. Despite being in the car and in a dressy outfit, Teigen was pumping with two manual pumps. Because—as we’ve said before—when you’ve gotta pump you’ve gotta pump.
“I know it’s Father’s Day and all but my wife is pretty awesome. She’s taking me to dinner but still on mommy duty,” Legend captioned the pic before sharing it with his 8.4 million followers. That’s about 10 million less than his wife has, but still a lot of people who may now see pumping how many mamas see it: As simply a normal and necessary part of life.
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Legend and Teigen welcomed their second child, son Miles, just a few weeks ago, and both parents have been very open about their family’s fourth-trimester experience. Teigen famously posted a photo of herself holding Miles while sporting mesh maternity underwear, and Legend recently spoke publicly about how he supports Teigen in her breastfeeding goals by taking care of 2-year-old Luna while Miles is nursing.
Research shows that when dads like Legend support their child’s mother in breastfeeding, moms are more likely to continue breastfeeding. Scientists say “paternal emotional, practical and physical supports” are important, and Legend seems to be a triple threat when it comes to cheering on Teigen’s nursing.
This social media post from Legend reminds us of another date night he and Teigen had back in 2016, just after Luna was born. After they posted about going out to dinner, Teigen’s mentions blew up with people shaming her for not being home with the baby or insinuating that couldn’t have been breastfeeding if she was going out without the baby. Legend clapped back, shutting down the shame and noting the double standard.
Funny there’s no dad-shaming. When both of us go out to dinner, shame both of us so Chrissy doesn’t have to take it all. We’ll split it.
— John Legend (@johnlegend)
His newest post proves that shaming parents has no place in 2018, as we’ve come pretty far in efforts to normalize breastfeeding and the pumping that often supports it. New and nursing mamas can absolutely go out to dinner without the baby if they want to.
Legend is right, mom duty is a full-time job, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a break or a nice dinner date, even if we’ve got a nursing infant at home. We may be on-call, and we may have to bring a pump in our purse, but mamas know how to multitask.
Here’s a few more celebrity moms who brought their pumps along on a night out: