On the Late Night with Seth show, Dua Lipa fires off a question most parents have either thought about or been asked directly — who is your favorite kid? But, in a more abrupt and comical way, she says, “You have three kids right?” “Rank ‘em.” “Favorite to least favorite.” Seth Meyers’ three kids range from age 2 to 7, with wife Alexi Meyers. 

“I’m gonna do the shot,” he says. They both agree his response is a “copout.”

“Do you have a favorite?” she says? “Of course I do!” he says. “By the way, my kids —  if you’re grown up and you’re watching this on YouTube, you know who you are. You’re a girl!” he jokes then takes the shot.

On the Instagram replay of the show, commenters weigh in on the questions. “She has a really stupid question when she said to him…Rank them. How can you rank your kids when you know as a real parent that every child is so self-special?” one wrote. Another writes “everyone knows Addie is daddy’s girl,” referring to their 2-year-old Adelaide.

It’s not the first time Myers has gotten real about parenting. He even shares bits from his wife’s birth stories, including almost giving birth in an UBER with their first child, and a similar story again with his second. 

“I figured we had plenty of time to get to the hospital,” then his wife, on the front steps of the house, said she couldn’t get in the car. “My wife looked like she was someone hiding a baby in a pair of sweatpants,” he laughs hysterically. She’d given birth, and had to lay down in the lobby.

In another Instagram post boating with his daughter, h e clearly tries to win her affection, though he jokes she’s smiling at her grandfather driving the boat not him. “Still, I took the picture, and one day I hope she can at least appreciate that.”