Serena Williams’ living room is being taken over by toys

We've been there, mama.
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It happens to the best of us. Even to the GOAT. When you have a baby it’s so easy for your home to just fill up with brightly colored plastic. Just ask Serena Williams. Her 1-year-old daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr.’s things seem to be taking over the house, as Williams shared with her Instagram followers.
“By the time my daughter was 8 months old she had so many toys that we had filled two huge chests with them,” she explains. “Plus the activity gym, bouncy seat, swing and walker that were sitting in our living room. Oh, and don’t forget the bag of bath toys hanging to dry in our bathroom tub.”The clutter began to get to Williams, who was tired of picking up toys her daughter wasn’t even playing with. When she got rid of almost all of her toys , she found herself “more at peace, with less to clean” and she noticed her daughter was playing more with the toys she did have. Williams isn’t the only one to notice this: Scientists have, too. As Motherly reported last year, researchers at the University of Toledo found that toddlers play longer and more happily when there are fewer toys around . Their study involved setting toddlers up in a room with either four or 16 toys. It turned out, the kids with just four toys engaged “in longer periods of play with a single toy, allowing better focus to explore and play more creatively.” Bottom line: You don’t have to sacrifice your living room (and your sanity) to bright bits of plastic when you become a mama. If you’re overwhelmed by the number of toys in your space, your baby probably is, too.