Lauren Conrad just announced her second pregnancy!

Congrats, mama!
Lifestyle mogul Lauren Conrad just announced she and husband William Tell are expecting their second child!
“It’s been hard to keep this one to myself! Very excited to share that our family will be getting a little bigger this year ” she wrote on Instagram.
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The couple’s oldest child, Liam James, was born back in July 2017, and Conrad was super stoked to become a #boymom.
“I always hoped I would have a boy,” Conrad told People. “Boys are so fun. I was a tomboy, and I always play best with boys. When we found out, I was so excited.”
No word yet on whether this baby is another boy, but we are super excited for LC either way!
We do know that LC won’t be appearing on the upcoming Hills reboot, as she’s super busy already.
Conrad is an author, designer, lifestyle guru and basically a one-woman brand with more than 6 million Instagram followers. She’s also been more private about her journey into motherhood than her former castmates have been, choosing not to post much content featuring Liam.
“I’m going to have to figure out how much of motherhood to share on social media,” Conrad told Fit Pregnancy when she was expecting her son Liam.
“Obviously you want to protect your child in every way you can. At the same time, my brand is based on being accessible and sharing the milestones of my life, and I’m so excited about it all. I’ll find a middle ground.”
By choosing to share a select few of Liam’s milestones with her social media followers while not returning to reality television, Conrad is doing what’s right for her, but other moms may want to share more, and that’s okay, too.
While we would love to see Conrad on The Hills reboot, trusting yourself and making your own boundaries is great advice for any new parent, and so is LC’s take on “bouncing back”.
“I’ve realized that my body will never go back to what it was,” the fashion designer told Shape when Liam was about 7 months old. “Even though I look a little different, I’m just so in awe of the fact that I was able to make a person,” Conrad said. “So I’m proud of my body in that way.”
And that body is now making a whole new human.
Congrats Lauren!