‘Daring Greatly’ author Brené Brown is coming to Netflix and we can’t wait

Lessons in courage from Brené Brown? Yes, please!
The woman who basically single-handedly taught the world to embrace vulnerability and imperfection is coming to Netflix and we cannot wait to binge whatever Brené Brown’s special will serve up because we’ll probably be better people after watching it.
It drops on April 19 and is called Brené Brown: The Call to Courage. If it has even a fraction of the impact of her books or the viral Ted talk that made her a household name, it’s going to be life and culture changing.
Announcing the special on Instagram Brown says she “cannot believe” she’s about to be “breaking some boundaries over at Netflix” with the 77-minute special.
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Netflix describes the special as a discussion of “what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear and uncertainty” and it sounds exactly like what we need right now.
April 19 is still pretty far away though, so if you need some of Brown’s wisdom now, check out her books on Amazon or watch (or rewatch) the 2010 Ted Talk that put her—and our culture’s relationship with vulnerability and shame—in the national spotlight.
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
If Marie Kondo’s Netflix show got people tidying up, Brown’s Netflix special is sure to be the catalyst for some courageous choices this spring.