Amy Schumer + her son ‘visit’ her dad from a safe distance

They stood on the street waving a sign that reads: "Hi Grandpa! We Love You!"
For those who are used to having their child’s grandparents around, the social distancing protocols during the coronavirus pandemic can be especially hard. With senior citizens and older adults being an at-risk group, many families have been separated in order to stop the spread of COVID-19, but as Amy Schumer proved this week that isn’t stopping families from showing some love.
Schumer and her son stood on the street in a video posted to Instagram Monday, waving a sign that reads: “Hi Grandpa! We Love You!”
Schumer captioned the video: “Visiting dad” and the camera pans from her to her dad watching her from a window.
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Schumer has been social distancing with her son and her husband for quite a while now. She gave her husband a DIY haircut last week while isolating, like many house-bound families have been doing.
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The coronavirus has forced so many families into a bubble and these are hard times, but posts like Schumer’s remind us that we’re all in this together (and that we should FaceTime our kids’ grandparents).