65% of working parents with kids doing remote learning are burnt out

It's not you, mama.
It might be time for employers and schools to recalibrate the workloads given to employees and students.
A new study confirms what many of us are already feeling: Balancing it all is burning us out.
The 2020 Eagle Hill Consulting COVID-19 Employee Burnout Survey found that 65% of parents with children participating in remote learning are experiencing burnout.
That’s nearly two-thirds of all working parents surveyed.
It’s not just limited to parents, either. About half of employees without kids also reported feeling burnout, too (52%).
There are a lot of factors that can contribute to someone feeling burned out. According to the survey, the main reasons why parents are struggling are the workload (45%), balancing professional and personal lives (42%), and time pressures (32%).
The ongoing pandemic certainly isn’t helping. Among the employees who reported feeling burnout, more than 1 in 3 (35%) say it’s attributable to the pandemic.
If you’re a working parent, you probably see yourself reflected in these numbers. How can we take this study and help families?
Melissa Jezior, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eagle Hill Consulting, says change starts with the employer.
“Employers have got to find a way to make workloads sustainable for employees,” Jezior says on the company’s website. “Otherwise, companies risk harming their bottom line and brand.”
And what can you do, mama? First, know that you’re not alone. The study proves it.
Acknowledge that burnout is real. You’re not lacking – you’re experiencing something quantifiable and detrimental. Talk to your support network. Advocate for your worth, both professionally and personally. And continue to love your children and families. They need you now more than ever.