Motherly Acquired Motherhood Understood - Motherly

Motherhood Understood

Motherly acquired Motherhood Understood, continuing our mission of providing a woman-centered and supportive community for mothers. We are leaning into telling personal essays from mothers as a way that we learn, connect and feel less alone. Centered on the perspectives of maternal mental health, these stories are intended to help moms feel validated and seen.

Motherhood Understood

Mentoria on hiding her postpartum depression and thoughts of ending her life

"My mind just couldn’t understand why I had these beautiful babies, and I couldn’t just BE HAPPY."

April 26, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Erikka on experiencing postpartum PTSD after the traumatic delivery of her daughter

"I'm currently in therapy and working on reframing my experiences. I don't think I will ever forget the low points, but the silver linings are worth honoring too."

April 19, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Cath on experiencing postpartum depression as a mental health professional

After my son was born, all I wanted was sleep. But I was scared of closing my eyes for fear of something happening to him during that time. I couldn’t shut my mind off from all the irrational thoughts running through it.

April 5, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Sara on wanting to hug her postpartum self and tell her it will get better

"The story of a woman trying. Trying and tired, trying and unsure, trying and afraid.⁣"

March 29, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Becca on living with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and the rage it causes

"I’ll be standing over my sink cleaning everyone's mess for the 37th time that week and it’ll only be Tuesday. Where as I have done this many times before, on this day anger will rise, hot and dizzying. These are no longer dishes, they are injustices."

March 15, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Ashley on postpartum anger and rage and finally asking for help

"There were nights that I held my oldest boy while he slept apologizing for being so angry and explaining to him that mommy is going to get better so he doesn't have to see me be angry with him anymore."

March 8, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Cassandra on surviving a traumatic birth followed by PPD during a pandemic

How would she fare without me if I got sick? And even worse–what if she got sick?

March 1, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Frances on getting help after experiencing anxiety, depression and dark thoughts

I couldn't keep up with the speed of my thoughts, but when they started to take a dark turn, I knew I needed to seek help.

February 15, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Micaela on accepting her postpartum psychosis and bipolar disorder

"I had a serious problem—one that had always been there but worsened from birth and my experience with breastfeeding."

February 8, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Emily on late onset postpartum depression in the form of anger and rage

“Mommy’s not safe. Stay back!” I shouted, with my hand outstretched in protest. I didn’t trust myself in that moment. I didn’t recognize myself.

February 1, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Candice on getting help for postpartum psychosis

"My anxiety and depression worsened during pregnancy due to many factors; canceled baby shower, working from home, limited social interaction, isolation, canceled trips, financial stress, COVID fear, etc."

January 25, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Megan on postpartum depression and learning to feel worthy of love

"Deserve is a peculiar verb, as it’s somehow become a barometer of my mental health. It’s a harsh line drawn in the sand by a mind under duress and a silent knowing that I am worthy when I am healthy."

January 18, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Hind on what happened when she shared her real feelings postpartum

"You see, after our baby was born I didn't feel a rush of love, euphoria and excitement. Instead I felt sad, anxious and frightened."

January 11, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Lisa on feeling less depressed after returning to work and sending her kids to nursery

"Now there were people in my life appreciating me for my brain and my hard work and not because I was the lady with access to the fruit snacks and the TV remote."

January 4, 2021

Motherhood Understood

Mamaita on postpartum depression and the medication that saved her life

"I would go to empty out the dishwasher and by the time I'd reach the cabinet with the clean plate, I'd be bawling."

December 21, 2020