Texts we wish our husbands would send us in the middle of the day

Hint, hint, hint, hint, hint...
It’s 1 p.m. You’ve just finished your third epic toddler battle of the day. Paw Patrol is the theme song to your life, and you’re debating whether or not a fourth cup of coffee is appropriate… when the phone dings.
It’s a text. Human connection. With a grown-up. You jump to your feet, grab the phone… and it’s a coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond.
We’ve all had that desperate moment where we could really just use a text that turns it all around, puts a smile on our face, and helps us make it to the end of the day. (A girl can dream ?.)
So Team Motherly got together and did a little day dreaming of our own.
Here are some of the texts we wish we our husbands would send us in the middle of the day—
(Ahem, take note, guys.)
1. “You’re an amazing mom. Thank you. I appreciate you.”
2. “Let’s go out to eat tonight.”
3. “I’m at Whole Foods, what can I pick up?”
4. “Im leaving an hour early!”
5. “I wish I were home right now.”
6. “You looked really pretty this morning.”
7. “My mom wanted to visit this weekend, but I told her we were spending time as a family.”
8. “When I get home, why don’t you go out with your friends?”
9. “My meeting was cancelled, I’ll be home to do bath time.”
10. “I booked you a massage this weekend, I’ll watch the baby.”
11. “I have a surprise for you!”
12. “I forgot to tell you, I ordered the stuff you had on that list this morning—it will be there tomorrow!”
13. “I miss you.”
14. “I had some free time at work today so I made his doctor appointment, booked his haircut, ordered him a new winter coat, and refilled his vitamin prescription.”
15. “What’s on your to-do list? I’ll take half.”
16. “By the way, you were totally right last night. I’m sorry.”
17. “I totally noticed that we’re out of [pick basically any item in the house] and I ordered it from Amazon for you!”
18. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
19. “I know how hard you’ve been working and I’m so proud of you.”
20. “What kind of wine do you want me to pick up?”
21. “Remember last night? Me too ?.”
22. “Anthropologie is having a sale. You should go when I get home.”
23. “I booked the babysitter tonight—will you go on a date with me?”
24. “I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. How can I help when I get home?”
25. “You really ARE the best mom in the whole world. Our kid is lucky.”
Don’t worry, mamas. They’re thinking all of this, they really are. They love you and appreciate you!
And we bet if you start the cute/sexy/funny text habit, they’ll gladly join in.