My husband is easily the world’s absolute best husband, father and son. He is caring and selfless—making sacrifices every single day so that his time and energy go toward providing for our growing family.

On top of leading our family with incredible grace and humility, he is the first person to offer a helping hand to anyone in need. He can brighten your day with his sarcastic, witty humor or calm your fears with what is arguably the best hug you will ever receive.

He is the hardest working person I know.

He works 12 hour shifts and sometimes up to 14 days with only one day off, alternating between the day shift and night shift. That in and of itself deserves recognition, but still—he does so much more off the clock to bless our family.

He’s my teammate, my equal.

When he gets home after a long day he doesn’t mosey his way to the couch to relax. He sits down to dinner with his family, helps clean up afterward, spends time playing with our 15 month old daughter and alternates her bedtime routine with me so I can have a few nights to myself.

He does this happily and without any complaints—he’s in this with me. He is an amazing parent.

On days he works night shift he wakes up after only sleeping 5 hours to play with our daughter, to work on the yard or get things done around the house. Laundry, toilets…you name it, he does it.

He helps protect our future.

We’re currently expecting our second daughter around Thanksgiving and my husband is in search of all of the overtime his job has to offer to ensure we begin our new adventure as a family of four “baby debt” free.

I feel blessed every day for getting to have this man in my life—in our lives. In means the world to me for my daughters to have an amazing father and role model to look up to.

I’m grateful that they will grow up hearing Daddy tell Mommy that she’s more beautiful to him without makeup. I’m grateful that no matter how tired he is that he will always make time for turning the music up and dancing with his girls. I’m grateful that our daughters will never—not once—doubt their father’s love.

I’m grateful he’s mine. I’m grateful he’s ours.

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He deserves for the world to know just how incredible he is and how thankful we are for him.

And what a beautiful reminder this is for me to thank him more regularly for his efforts, as a husband, father and friend—not just on Father’s Day, but every day.

The Motherly #RockSTARDad Essay Series is brought to you by Motherly and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program. The prize will go to the essay that gets the shared and read the most, so please share this essay if you think it should win! You can read the other essays here.

The ENERGY STAR certified washer + dryer prize is provided by LG. The LG TWINWash™ 2-in-1 washer and dryer pair models may vary from pictured due to inventory and/or household requirements related to size and installation requirements.

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