Athleta just launched their extended sizing, and we are here for it

Yes, sizes for real moms!
When it comes to activewear, it’s important for women to wear pieces that make them confident and comfortable. That’s why Athleta is extending it’s sizing to 1X-3X (or sizes 18-26) to 350 styles across its collection. For Spring 2021, 70% of the Athleta collection will be available in sizes 1X-3X, which is a major move for the performance apparel brand.
“We don’t make assumptions for personal preference when it comes to fit, color, pattern or trend,” said Jolene Danielson, director of technical design at Athleta in a statement. “Each piece is tailored and designed to look and perform the same, regardless of a woman’s size, to provide her with choice based on style, first.”
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What’s more? By March, the number of styles available in extended sizing will surpass 500, and new styles will be added each season.
“We spent two years fitting and wear-testing with women sizes 18-26 to ensure performance and comfort,” Jana Henning, head of product design at Athleta said to Good Morning America. “We’re really excited that our customers can shop across our assortment—both online and in our 200 stores—and choose pieces that make them feel most confident.”
If you’re shopping in-person, you’ll also notice size-inclusive mannequins for more accurate representation of styles and fittings. And if you’re browsing online, you’ll find an enhanced shopping experience that’s easier to navigate.