What went viral this week: A laundry Christmas tree + refreshingly honest birth plan

There are the viral stories making Team Motherly smile right now.
Temperatures are dropping, Christmas decorations are flooding the shelves, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. But take a break from prepping for the holidays, mama, and check out the headlines that made waves this week. Here at Motherly we know mamas are busy, so we make sure to keep track of everything you may have missed on the Internet this week.
There are the viral stories making Team Motherly smile right now:
This judge went viral for supporting a new mom + new lawyer in the most wonderful way
Juliana Lamar just accomplished something major: She graduated law school and was sworn into the Tennessee bar…and she did it all while raising her 1-year-old son. Doing all of this at the same had to have been incredibly difficult, but oh so rewarding. She celebrated her incredible achievements as a working mother in the most special way, thanks to a wonderful judge. Judge Richard Jinkins encouraged the mama to bring her son along when she was sworn into the state bar, and he even held on the little boy while his mother recited her oath. Not surprisingly, the incredibly sweet video of the judge carrying the 1-year-old as he watched his mother officially become a lawyer has gone viral. “On the day of my swearing-in, right before we began, Judge said he wanted Beckham to take part in the moment,” Lamar, who counts the judge as a major inspiration and supporter, tells Buzzfeed . “And I am so glad he did because to have my son take part in one of the greatest moments of my life was truly a blessing.” Lamar’s colleague shared footage of the incredibly sweet incident. “Y’all. Judge Dinkins of the Tennessee Court of Appeals swore in my law school colleague with her baby on his hip, and I’ve honestly never loved him more,” a tweet from the colleague reads. “She’s one of four women in our class who became moms while in law school. Women are amazing.”Y’all. Judge Dinkins of the Tennessee Court of Appeals swore in my law school colleague with her baby on his hip, and I’ve honestly never loved him more. pic.twitter.com/kn0L5DakHO
— Sarah Martin (@sarahfor5) November 9, 2019
Why this refreshingly honest birth plan from Reddit is going viral

Mom’s photo of laundry Christmas tree goes viral on Instagram

Australian mom and Instagrammer Jessi Roberts (aka @sincerelymumsy ) is going viral this week thanks to her hilarious Christmas tree hack. Instead of dealing with her laundry, this genius mama made it into festive decor. It actually happened last year, when Roberts family was about to go on a trip. “Last years Christmas tree ? We where going away for 2 weeks and I couldn’t and didn’t have time to do the washing… so Like any creative person… I improvise ??♀️ I left it up for 2 weeks… @thebaysidedentist [Roberts’ partner] wasn’t impressed,” she writes on Instagram. Roberts’ original caption back in 2018 was equally hilarious: “The best way to avoid doing the washing – turn it into a Christmas tree,” she wrote. “It’s free. I’ll wash this after Christmas or maybe the ‘elf on the shelf’ can help me.” This is a Christmas decor hack we can totally see catching on.A FB moms group help this baby get a liver—and went viral for it
Moms groups on the internet sometimes get an unfair reputation. You say “Facebook moms group” and people often imagine an online space where mom shaming is common, and while that may be true in some instances, these communities are more often sources of support, not shame. No story highlights this better than Robin Bliven’s. When she posted about how her private group ended up connecting mamas and getting a liver for a baby boy who needed one, the story made national headlines and proved how supportive these groups can be. Internet communities are real communities, and some are amazing places to be. “You can talk smack about mom groups on Facebook all you want… but don’t talk smack about mine, because we crowd sourced a freaking organ,” Bliven wrote on Facebook. When one member of the Facebook group, Beth Rescsanski, learned her baby, Cal, needed a liver transplant over 100 moms in the group were screened to see if they were potential donors. That’s 100 fellow parents who were willing to have surgery for someone else’s baby. That’s the definition of a supportive community! In the end, single mom Andrea Alberto was a match and donated part of her own liver to baby Cal. The mom of two says it wasn’t hard choice. “I knew organ donation was something I would be willing to do, so when I found out Cal was being listed for transplant, it was a very easy decision,” Alberto told TODAY Parents . “If there is someone in need and there is something you can reasonably do to help them, why wouldn’t you do it? I like to think that if it was one of my kids in need, someone from my extended network would step in to help.”American Girl celebrates diversity by including model with Down syndrome