Home / Life This mom’s plea for coffee in the hospital goes viral after her internet friends come to the rescue "Going through this as a single mom has been a lot. It's exhausting. But now I don't feel so alone," shares Jaiden Cowley. By Zara Hanawalt July 17, 2019 Rectangle Every parent out there knows that caring for a sick child isn’t just heartbreaking, it’s absolutely exhausting. Jaiden Cowley knows this all too well: The single mama’s daughter, Amira, was born with a heart defect and has been waiting more than a year for a heart transplant. Last week, when Amira ended up in the emergency room late at night for her ongoing heart issues, Jaiden reached out for a helping hand. She desperately needed a coffee to get her through the night, but she also couldn’t leave her sweet baby to get one for herself. So the single mother who moved to Toronto to be closer to its Hospital for Sick Children reached out to her virtual Mom Squad, a Facebook group that allows moms to connect. But she didn’t expect the outpouring of generosity she received. As first reported by TODAY, Jaiden posted the following message to the group, writing: “Is anyone at sickkids right now? I have a huge favor to ask. I’m in the er and I can’t leave my daughter alone, but I really need a coffee.” She hoped another mom would coincidentally be in the hospital—she didn’t expect a perfect stranger to go out of her way, but that’s exactly what happened. A woman named Elizabeth drove to the hospital and presented Jaiden with a coffee half an hour later. “To some it was just a simple cup of coffee, to me her bringing it to me meant I could stay awake and alert for my daughter. I was able to properly advocate for her,” Jaiden tells Motherly. data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="4" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> Elizabeth wasn’t the only amazing mama who came forward to help: Another reportedly sent Jaiden money so she could treat herself to coffee, and several others offered to help in any way possible. “It meant so much to me,” Jaiden tells TODAY. “Going through this as a single mom has been a lot. It’s exhausting. But now I don’t feel so alone.” She later told Motherly: “No act of kindness goes unnoticed. No matter how small you think it may be to that person it means the world.” We couldn’t love this story more! It’s such an important reminder that mamas can do amazing things when they help each other out in times of need. We all need a little support sometimes, and if this story is any indication, there are still incredibly kind people out there who are willing to offer it. You might also like: It’s science: There’s a connection between mama’s support system and baby’s brain development Moms, we need each other What went viral this week: A triplet who had triplets, a meteorologist’s clap back + an awesome tweet Tags: Mom friends, Moms helping moms, Relationships, Support, Supporting mothers Related articles Celebrity News Meghan Markle sends supportive note and snacks to volunteers and staff @MomsDemand June 23, 2022 Life You are about to see this mom’s Facebook post everywhere and for a good reason July 15, 2021 Life This mail carrier left a care package for a single mom with COVID-19 December 21, 2020 Viral & Trending This mom’s post about a toddler’s tantrum at Target goes viral for the best reason October 15, 2018 News This mama supporting another mom at Target is the superhero we all need March 27, 2018