Amy Poehler + Tina Fey team up for “Sisters” movie because sisterhood is amazing

Watch out Hollywood: ‘Sisters’ is headed to box offices this winter.
Things that are amazing: Growing up with a sister. The ladies of SNL showing the boys how it’s done. Watching ANYTHING that comedic colleagues and longtime BFFs Amy Poehler and Tina Fey do.
So what could be more incredible and fun than a movie starring the pair in a movie about sisters? Well ladies, all of your dreams are coming true: ‘Sisters‘ is coming to box offices this winter.

The premise of the upcoming film, in theaters on Christmas 2015: Two adult sisters (played by Amy and Tiny) are called back to their childhood home by their parents in order to clean out their room and prepare to sell the place. Inspired by their hometown friends and youthful memories (#ballerinamusicbox), the sisters throw ONE LAST CATHARTIC RAGER of a party. And because it’s Amy and Tiny, hilarity, absurdity and all levels of #girlpower ensue. They are joined by SNL-ers Kate McKinnon and Maya Rudolph, so we’ve officially got the film on our Christmas wish list.
Putting the funniest women in Hollywood as leading ladies in a film about sisters seems a box office no-brainer to us, but the reality is that few female-oriented films get made by major production studios.
Last time we checked, women made up more than half of the American population. And yet, research shows “female actors accounted for 30% of all speaking parts” in recent Hollywood movies, and that “females comprised a paltry 12% of protagonists in the top-grossing films of 2014.”
We can’t wait to watch Amy Poehler and Tiny Fey show Hollywood how it’s done.
And check our HerCampus’ list of 20 inspiring movies with a strong female lead, because we all need a little more lady talk in our movie watching.