Tori Spelling says her daughter was tormented by bullies so badly it affected her health

In a heartbreaking Instagram post, Tori explains the awful circumstances her daughter Stella has had to overcome due to bullying.
Over the weekend, Tori Spelling shared a series of photos of her 13-year-old daughter, Stella, performing her first modeling job. Amid the proud mama-gushing was a heartfelt explanation of why these modeling photos were so important.
Apparently at Stella’s previous school, she experienced intense bullying that took a toll on her physical and mental health—and has found her confidence again through modeling. She called these photos “How Stella got her groove back.”
“Stella is an amazing human,” Spelling wrote in the caption on Instagram. “Heart of gold & always leads w/kindness. She’s innovative &creative and full of fire . Which is why as a mom it was so painful to see a young woman’s fire dimmed bc of bullying.”
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Spelling, who also shares Liam, 14, Hattie, 9, Finn, 8 and Beau, 4, with her husband, Dean McDermott, explained that Stella had endured being bullied for the last few years, and it began affecting her physical health.
“She developed headaches, stomachaches, panic attacks, & her asthma increased,” Spelling said. “Emotions can be pretty powerful & manifest into physical ailments. She missed a lot of school due to this.”
Her confidence is “soaring” now, according to Spelling. Thanks to her passion for cooking and baking, she got to be part of Gordon Ramsay’s Master Chef and recently landed the modeling gig with kids’ makeup brand Petite ‘N Pretty.
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“Your fire is back @stella_mcdermott08,” Spelling wrote. “You are a fierce female. So proud of U Buggy!”
Bullying can have harmful and long-lasting consequences for children. Besides the physical effects of bullying, children may experience emotional and mental health problems, including depression and anxiety—which can lead to substance abuse and poor academic performance, according to UNICEF.
It’s so important that kids have a safe environment with adults who love them if they’re having a tough time with bullies at school. Stella McDermott clearly does, and it’s so nice to see that she’s doing things she loves that make her happy.