To the mom stuck inside with the kids on a snow day

Snow days are tough—but so are you. And you can do this. ❄️
Snow days, man. They can be tough.
But they weren’t always like that.
Hearing ‘snow day’ as a child was music to my ears. Even when I was teaching it was, too. Who doesn’t like a break from work every once in a while?
But that was before kids. I could stay home from work and enjoy binge watching a TV show or get sucked into a movie marathon. I’d eat all sorts of junk food and treats, napped when I felt like it and, well, did whatever I wanted.
Now, snow days involve three children and a mama cooped up at home—trying to fight cabin fever together.
Instead of making the choice to binge watch TV, I have to try to end the continuous requests by my children to binge watch Beat Bugs and Sofia The First.
Instead of a movie marathon, I get sucked into a “following my children around and picking up after them” marathon. Because my house has turned into a bomb cyclone itself, and it’s not pretty.
Instead of eating junk food, I’m throwing together meals with what we have because no—we didn’t dare brave the supermarket the night before a snowstorm in New England. (But, fear not—we do have wine.?)
Instead of napping myself—I’m pleading with two and four year olds to nap so I can have a bit of a break from the entertaining and the doing.
Snow days can be harder than any busy, jam-packed work day, if you ask me.
Because you’re on top of each other and you’re exhausted and you’re running out of ideas…
And you wonder if you’re allowing your kids too much screen time.
You strap everyone into their snow gear and head outside but after five minutes and one child already asking to go back inside, you wonder if this was the right decision.
You don’t understand why being cooped up inside makes your kiddos want to follow you around the house like they’re your shadow.
You have tried crafts and games and puzzles and books and yet time seems to stand still.
You are not sure if this snow day will ever end or if this is just your new life now—hibernating inside, feeling like you’re trapped in a snow globe.
Well I have news for you, mama. Snow days are tough—but so are you. And you can do this.
So allow yourself to loosen the reins on snow days. Let the rules fall by the wayside a bit. Do what you need to do to survive.
Because snow days can actually be pretty magical. It’s all how you look at it.
Snow days are for staying in your pajamas all day.
Snow days are for cozying up on the couch and not worrying so much about screen time limits for just one day.
Snow days are for eating cookies and hot chocolate for lunch.
Snow days are for shoveling and playing and building snowmen.
Snow days are for everyone taking naps or having quiet rest time—yes, even mom.
Snow days are for puppet shows and dance parties and baking.
Snow days are for indulging in a big glass of wine (or whatever way you treat yo self) post-bedtime.
Snow days are for imaginations and creativity and dreaming. And while they can be a bit stressful and overwhelming at times, if you take a second to pause—you might be able to bring back that childhood snow day excitement lingering inside you.
Because it’s still there. You just have to dig it up.