It has been watched nearly 3 million times, and although this video from Hallmark was originally posted last May it is going viral again because for us moms, every day is Mother’s Day.

The video is a commercial for Hallmark, but it is also so much more than that. It’s a look into what motherhood is really like, the crying, the multitasking, the mess…and the bittersweet pain of watching them grow up.

The commercial follows a mom as her kids grow from toddlers eating off the floor to tweens who need privacy to teenagers who need to borrow the car…and finally, into parents themselves.

Warning, watch this one with a tissue in hand:

“There will be a day when you hold them on your hip for the very last time…” a narrator tells us.

“There will be a day when you’ve made your final bubble beard…a day when you will no longer be greeted like a hero..or get the privilege of carrying them up to bed in your arms. Nothing can prepare you for these days.”

And as we see the mom’s daughter become a mom, the narrator says, “just as nothing can prepare you for the day when they finally understand how much you love them.”

Are you crying yet, mama?

Thank you Hallmark, for showing the world that motherhood is so complex.