This viral photo of a rainbow baby shows the true journey of IVF

So gorgeous ?.
An amazing mama and super talented photographer are spreading hope with their viral photo series.
Lesleigh Cetinguc’s first son was born after a positive experience with IVF (in vitro fertilization). But while she was thrilled to be a mother to her sweet boy, she longed for a sibling for him to complete her family.
In her journey toward growing her family, Lesleigh experienced two miscarriages. In a letter published on Love What Matters, she wrote that she and her husband “were battered and bruised. Our dreams were still there but our hopes not as high.” They decided to try IVF one more time. And on December 14, 2017, her sweet baby boy, Lennon Kemal, was born.
Along her 2-year journey Lesleigh saved every syringe, vial, patch and bottle she used. She knew she wanted to document her experiences, and the saved medical equipment was just the way to do it.
She wrote that they “[represent] hours of injections, sticky residue from medicine patches, and pills carefully tracked. What it doesn’t show are the countless doctor’s appointments, my bruised abdomen, our hopes lifted, our dreams crushed and many tears shed.”
With the help of photographer Kelley Walker Chance, she created the gorgeous tribute to her story and her beautiful baby.
“This one striking picture of you couldn’t possibly show it all. What is does show is that we never gave up. We never stopped fighting for you and battled at every turn, refusing to be knocked down for good.”
Kelley’s stunning photo and Lesleigh’s inspiring story are so important, and we are so grateful the shared it.
About 12% of women in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant—more than one out of 10. Women with fertility struggles report feeling such a range of emotions—sadness, anger, isolation and despair. It’s so important to remember that we are not alone in any of it. Lesleigh’s story serves as that powerful reminder.
We wish her beautiful family all the health and happiness in the world ?.