Home / Life Planning a VBAC? 7 things to think about as you approach your birth Planning a VBAC? Here are some things to consider as you approach your birth. By Diana Spalding, CNM March 3, 2017 Rectangle Planning a VBAC? Here are some things to consider as you approach your birth. 1. Quiet the noise, and listen to YOU You’re probably surrounded by people giving you advice—well intentioned yes, but helpful? Not always. You don’t have to take everything everyone says to heart. Have in depth conversations with your doctor or midwife, and really hone in on what it is that you want and what feels right to you. 2. Know the facts The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and The American College of Nurse-Midwives (among many other organizations) support VBACs. You have the right to information and care that is based on evidence. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and do your own research. 3. Choose the right provider Remember that you are the customer here. If a VBAC is really important to you, make sure your doctor or midwife fully supports you and your decision. If they don’t you are allowed to ask for second (and third) opinions, and find someone who you feel comfortable with! 4. Take a birth class If you’re reading this article inside of Motherly’s birth class, we are so glad you are here! If not, come on over and join us! Taking a birth class will empower you with knowledge and confidence to have the birth experience you want. 5. Assemble an awesome support team Having consistent emotional support will increase your chances of having a VBAC. Talk to your partner about how important this is to you. And consider hiring a doula—they can make all the difference. 6. Take care of yourself You want to approach your birth as healthy as possible, to increase your chances of having a VBAC. Get regular prenatal care, eat really well, rest and find ways to decrease your stress—your body is a temple! 7. Be gentle on yourself It is possible that your first birth experience left you feeling unsatisfied. You may also be feeling extra stressed now, as you approach your birth. Give yourself permission to be gentle on yourself. Know that what’s in the past is well, in the past. Trust your body, and be really really proud of yourself. No matter what happens, you are absolutely a rockstar. Tags: Becomingmama, Birth, Pregnancy, Second pregnancy, Vbac Related articles Pregnancy Your guide to picking the best birth class April 30, 2021