The world is grieving the loss of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna

But all we can do is think of Vanessa. Our hearts are broken for you.
As parents we don’t start our families thinking we will lose our partner or a child when they are still in their prime, but that is what happened to Vanessa Bryant when tragedy struck her family on Sunday. We feel incredible pain and sadness for Vanessa who is now dealing with the unimaginable at less than a year postpartum. It’s impossible to conceive of the grief that Vanessa and her daughters are feeling today and our hearts are with them.
America is mourning the loss of the basketball superstar and his daughter Gianna, who was only 13 years old. The two were killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California.
Gianna, or Gigi as her family called her, brought her father back to basketball after his retirement and was showing the world that girls can be amazing athletes.
As her father explained on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Gianna’s goal was to play in the WNBA and her father was sure she could make that happen. Bryant told Kimmel: “The best thing that happens is when we go out and fans will come up to me, and she’ll be standing next to me. And they’ll be like, ‘Man, you gotta have a boy. You and V gotta have a boy, man, have somebody carry on your tradition, the legacy.’ And she’s like, ‘Oy, I got this. You don’t need no boy for that. I got this.” And I’m like, ‘That’s right. Yes, you do. You got this.'”
Like her father, Gianna was an incredibly talented basketball player. Her basketball teammate, Alyssa Altobelli, along with her parents, Keri and Orange Coast College baseball coach John Altobelli were also killed. It’s an unimaginable loss of young talent and knowledge for the basketball community, a nation and the victims’ families.
Kobe and Vanessa Bryant just welcomed their fourth child, baby Capri Kobe Bryant, in July 2019. “We are beyond excited that our baby girl ‘Koko’ has arrived!!,” Kobe announced on Instagram.
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The hearts of an entire nation and much of the world are with them in this terrible moment. Bryant was beloved and the news of his death and Gianna’s is hitting many people incredibly hard.
If you are having trouble coping with the news today mama, remember that It is okay to turn it off. It is okay to go offline and turn your attention to your family. It’s okay to talk about how hard this is hitting you and to take time to give yourself some extra care as you process this. Grief looks different for everyone and even those who never met Bryant were touched by his cultural impact and legacy.