Home / Life / Motherly Stories Our children may never know all we do—but they will know our love instagram.com/rachelwritesit/ I know you may not know it, but you are seen. You are needed. You are wanted. By Rachel Flowers March 11, 2022 instagram.com/rachelwritesit/ Rectangle They may never fully know all that you have done for them. They may not know the hours you sacrifice out of your night folding their clothes or sorting their toys.The back aches you experience bending over to talk to them or rocking them to sleep or feeding them.The scars on your body or the extra pounds that you didn’t ask for and the time you spent trying to love yourself again. The dark circles under your eyes from the lack of sleep that no eye cream seems to heal.The creases on your forehead from all the times you’ve spent worrying—even though you tried not to, you couldn’t help it. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @rachelwritesit The times you hid behind the locked bathroom door, trying to use the toilet in peace, and have even one moment alone and the sigh that leaves your body as you hear them bang on the door. The money you counted and saved to be able to grab more diapers or socks or clothes to fit their small growing bodies. They may not ever know, but they don’t need to. Your love for them is what translates. The interruptions you faced as you tried to talk on the phone or read or book or cook them another meal that they probably won’t eat. They may not ever know, but they don’t need to. Your love for them is what translates. Your love is the driving force behind all those little things you do for them. Those small moments come from so much sacrifice. I know you may not know it, but you are seen. You are needed. You are wanted. You are incredible. You’re doing an amazing job. Related Stories Baby Sleep Tips Sleep deprived? You aren’t alone—but these baby sleep tips & tricks can help Life Motherhood is: Continuing to give, even when it feels like you have nothing left Life Motherhood is: Parenting with your heart, not your ego Tags: Essays Related articles Motherly Stories Sleep training didn’t work for us, and that’s OK April 21, 2022 Parenting Mama, I am safe in your arms November 19, 2021 Life Motherhood is the ultimate sacrifice July 8, 2021 Life My mom was always the last one out of the house December 2, 2020 Parenting A mama’s day: With 5 sons June 23, 2020