Maya Chambers’ Pregnancy Style

Bump envy!
Name: Maya Chambers
Neighborhood: Manhattan
Occupation: Health Coach/ Health Consultant
Baby’s Gender: Surprise
How would you describe your pregnant style?
Loose, flowing, casual, chic.
Have you had any challenges learning to dress your body during pregnancy?
No. So far my weight hasn’t fluctuated too much, so my clothes before pregnancy still fit. I recently stocked up on organic cotton t-shirts due to my sensitivity towards fabrics.
So far, what has surprised you most during your pregnancy?
I feel I’m evolving more as a woman. I feel more empathy towards situations, it’s amazing! As a health coach, I help clients take care of themselves. Now that I’m pregnant, I make it a priority to take it easy and have daily routines of self care for me and my growing seed.
What are you most looking forward to sharing with your baby?
To be free, authentic and proud. I am thrilled for our diverse background as a family. My partner is Ethopian/Eritrean, and I am Afro Latina. Something that has helped me throughout my life is to remember “to feel beautiful in your own skin,” so I’m looking forward to passing on this notion to baby.
What’s your 5 registry essentials?
Original photography by Ren’ee Kahn-Bresler for Well Rounded.
Shot on location at Love Child Yoga in NYC.
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