Mandy Moore is experiencing every mom’s nightmare while traveling with her baby for the first time

"I have a 4-month-old freaking out. This is insane."
There is absolutely nothing fun or easy about traveling with an infant. Nothing. But there’s nothing fun or easy about traveling with a baby during a pandemic and a holiday weekend—which is part of the nightmare Mandy Moore is experiencing right now.
In her Instagram story, Moore documents her trip—it started off so strong, dang it—and the absolute disaster mess she would up having to navigate instead of enjoying a holiday weekend with family and friends.
She and her husband, Taylor Goldsmith, were flying from California to D.C. with their four-month-old son, Gus. They were supposed to then fly from D.C. to Maine for the holiday, but then every mom’s traveling nightmare began to unfold.
“Dang! First time traveling with the baby, our flight got canceled,” the star of This Is Us wrote on her Instagram Story yesterday. “Anyone got a heads up on how a family can get from D.C. to Maine? All flights are full. No trains either. And rental cars are scary due to the holiday. Help!”
Mandy Moore/Instagram
In a later post, Moore said American Airlines was delaying the retrieval of her family’s bags—not out of the ordinary when flights get canceled, but it left little Gus without his car seat.
“I need the base to our car seat (that was checked) to travel anywhere with my baby,” she wrote. “I have a 4-month-old freaking out. This is insane.”
Mandy Moore/Instagram
Any mom who has ever traveled with a baby for the first time knows this level of stress. Even if it was smooth sailing at the airport or on the road trip, the anxiety that something could easily go wrong is always with you. And to have such a tiny baby without his car seat, just totally stuck and upset, is so, so, so stressful. We can literally feel mom’s pain here.
Though she said Gus was a great reminder for her and Goldsmith to keep their cool, since babies pick up on the energy around them.
Mandy Moore/Instagram
Moore updated her posts today, sharing that the family crashed in a hotel and can’t get to Maine as intended because all fights are canceled, there are no trains, and they can’t make a 12-hour road trip with an infant. She also mentioned she was extremely upset about her experience with American Airlines, and she’s “the daughter of an American Airlines captain.”
She said she’s grateful to all the people who reached out and reminded the mama to “take a breath.”
Mandy Moore/Instagram
The frustration and lack of control when traveling with little ones is such a relatable pain point, isn’t it? Ugh. And then to have to hop back on a cross-country flight with your baby and you didn’t even get a vacation out of it? Double UGH. I can practically feel my own heart rate increasing and armpits stress-sweating in sympathy.
Moore and her husband welcomed baby Gus back in February and have shared many sweet moments of new parenthood. As for Gus’s frequent flier miles, well, Moore said it could have been worse. “So thankful he is the definition of a trooper.”
Here’s hoping the rest of their family’s holiday weekend is smooth sailing!