Today marks the 25th anniversary of Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day, and parents around the world are celebrating by doing just that.

What started in New York City as a movement to empower and inspire little girls has transformed over the years into an international phenomenon that means plenty of office spaces are a little louder than usual today. It makes us wonder, if workplaces can accommodate kids today, why not do it more often, in a way that helps both parents and kids succeed?

According to Carolyn McKecuen, the Executive Director of the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation, bringing your kid to the office is about “inspiring them to dream of themselves in boardrooms, city halls, union halls and concert halls. Inspiring them to believe in themselves as much as they believe in their superheroes.”

Unfortunately, and although research indicates that mothers who work have long-lasting positive effects on their kids, plenty of moms are kept out of the workplace because breastfeeding or pumping as a working mom can be extremely difficult and sky-high childcare costs make it hard for some women to continue working after having kids.

There are plenty of programs and policies that can make things easier on parents, and, make every day take your kid to work day. Initiatives like Washington State’s Infants At Work Program that sees moms and dads bringing babies to the office, or the on-site daycare at Campbell’s Soup.

Having the ability to bring your kids to work with you everyday is a huge draw for workers. One survey found that when employers offered such an option, 23% of parents turned down a job change offer or refrained from pursuing other employment options because of it.

By keeping the kids nearby, employers keep employees happy. That same survey found 90% of parents using a full service, on-site day care center reported increased concentration and productivity.

Could there be more of a win-win scenario?

Even if employers don’t have the ability to let parents bring kids into the workplace, allowing parents to work from home either on a regular basis or as a short-term measure when issues arise is one way employers can live into the spirit of Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day every day.

It’s 2018 and workplace culture is changing, because we’re not just parents or employees, we’re both. On Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day it’s important that our children, lawmakers and employers see that.

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