How to Get a New Mom Out of the House

6 ways to help your BFF leave the safety of her living room.
Whether you’ve been there as a new mama, or you’re experiencing motherhood vicariously through your BFF, it should come as no surprise that getting out of the house with (or without!) your newborn baby is a must. What you may not know (or remember) is that even for the most laid-back mom, hitting the road with a little one can be a daunting task. It’s a whole new world out there — between the binkies, bottles and blowouts, there’s a lot to pack and worry about, and staying home forever might not seem like that bad of an idea.
But don’t let your best friend resign herself to life on the sofa just yet. Helping her get out of the house can keep postpartum depression at bay and provide a much-needed break from the new baby bubble. In that spirit, we have partnered with Baby K’tan to give you six great ideas to get your best friend out of the house once she becomes a mom.
1. Start by gifting her with a baby carrier. The outside world can be loud and overstimulating. Baby carriers promote calmness in your little one, keeping them snuggled in tight. They also give you access to your hands, meaning you can eat, drink, shop or text all while holding your baby close. The Baby K’tan carrier is a great choice for transitioning your little one from womb to world. It has the chic aesthetic of a wrap, but without all that complicated wrapping. It comes in a variety of soft and breathable fabrics, including organic and is designed with your comfort in mind, adjusting baby’s weight evenly across your back.
2. Focus on health and fitness. Take her to a mommy-and-me yoga class. Hit up your favorite new vegan lunch spot. According to the Mayo Clinic, simple things like a daily walk around the neighborhood and healthy eating choices can help speed postpartum depression recovery, and connecting with other people can help ease PPD and anxiety. So a little walking and talking can really go a long way for her mental health.
3. Help her build a mom tribe. For some women, it’s hard to get out there and meet other new moms. So offer to be her wingman at parks, new mom classes or meet-and-greets with other new moms. You can also remind her to check out her hospital support groups, neighborhood listserv and social media feed to help her find local moms.
4. Offer to help around the house. New parents have a hard time juggling it all, so give her a hand. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Take out the trash. This will give her some time to leave the house with her little bundle of joy guilt free.
5. Have dad take the reigns. Handing the babe over to papa for a few hours can do wonders for mom’s morale. Take her to the movies or for a mani-pedi, sans bebe. She’ll be happy to have you there to ease her mind the first few times she leaves the house without her little.
6. Take her shopping. Even if she’s lost her baby belly, chances are she needs a new postpartum wardrobe. She may even need a stylish diaper bag, too. We love the Baby K’tan diaper bag for its super soft material and thoughtful features. Plus, it’s the only diaper bag on the market that includes an FDA-approved wet bag, which is perfect for food, liquid and anything else you don’t want to leak.