Little Noah Bryant of Brooklyn, New York, is a big fan of SpongeBob Squarepants. So much so that the four-year-old decided to order some SpongeBob popsicles on Amazon. Well, turns out he accidentally bought not just one case, but 51 cases (that’s 918 popsicles!) and had them shipped to this aunt’s house.

Unfortunately, because of the nature of the item, Amazon will not take back the purchase, leaving Noah’s mom, Jennifer, with a hefty bill of $2,618.85. The mother of three and full-time social work student at New York University simply couldn’t afford the bill for Noah’s inadvertent shopping spree. After unsuccessfully trying to sell some of the popsicles, Bryant put out a message on NYU’s Facebook page to ask fellow students for help.

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. A classmate at NYU has started a GoFundMe account to help pay for Bryant’s Amazon bill.

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To date, the GoFundMe has raised over $23,000 thanks to hundreds of strangers, and has been an unexpected blessing for the Bryant family.

“As a parent to a child living with ASD [autism spectrum disorder], all additional donations will go towards Noah’s education and additional supports. We cannot thank you enough. Truly,” Jennifer Bryant wrote on the GoFundMe page.

To their credit, Amazon has been in touch with the Bryant family and will be donating the cost of Noah’s popsicle order to a local charity of the family’s choosing.