Finally, study shows that getting a manicure boosts your mental health
Just confirming what we’ve known all along.
Ever wonder why it feels so good to get your nails done? Whether at home or in a salon, there are positive psychological benefits of manicures… and now there’s some research to prove it.
A study in Frontiers in Psychology finds that nail care can help you feel relaxed and experience good vibes while boosting your overall well-being. (Manicures boost mental health? We’re not surprised!)
“I became interested in this topic due to the growing body of research on the intersection of self-care practices and their impact on mental well-being,” said study author Atsushi Kawakubo, an associate professor at Saitama Gakuen University in Japan. “The idea that something as seemingly simple as salon nail care, combined with self-disclosure, could have a meaningful psychological effect intrigued me. I wanted to explore the potential of this understudied area.”
Kawakubo’s team performed an online survey on 500 Japanese women ranging in age from their early 20s to late 30s. They all lived in cities. The researchers asked where they got their nails done—home or in a salon—if at all. The participants were also asked about the emotions they felt while having manicures. People who got their nails done in a salon were asked about the extent that they chatted with others during their manicures.
Respondents said they felt relaxed and experienced positive emotions during manicure sessions. Those who went to professionals had more positive emotions and relaxed moods compared to those taking care of their nails at home, showing that the connection to others can make a manicure mentally beneficial.
Talking about hobbies and daily life (standard small talk) seemed to help the women surveyed most. But the deeper people went in conversation with their nail techs and other salon-goers about negative personality traits and difficulties, the more negative impact it had on some psychological outcomes. “Our research suggests that engaging in salon nail care, coupled with light self-disclosure, can provide a positive boost to one’s psychological state,” Kawakubo told PsyPost. “This practice offers a tangible way for individuals to promote their mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of self-care and the potential benefits of sharing personal thoughts in a comfortable setting.” If you need us, we’ll be at the salon.