Home / Life / Beauty & Style Face Oils for Pregnancy What oils you should avoid during pregnancy, plus 5 that will keep your skin glowing. By Lourdes Avila Uribe January 11, 2016 Rectangle I’m sure you’ve already heard about the benefits of using natural oils and oil serums on your skin, but did you know that during pregnancy there are oils that you want to avoid? First, steer clear of Soy Oil and Oil of Bergamot, which can make pregnancy mask worse. If you have melasma, avoid at all costs! You’ll also want to stay away from retinals and salicylic acid that may be too harsh for your changing pregnancy skin. Then there are essential oils like nutmeg, which could actually have hallucinogenic effects and react badly with pain-relieving drugs during labor. Can you imagine that horror? Insert scream-face emoji here. Finally, don’t use Rosemary oil, which is thought to increase blood pressure and could cause contractions as well as basil oil, which could contribute to abnormal cell development. Now that we’ve gotten the scary bits out of the way, there are so many WONDERFUL ways that facial oils can help soothe dry skin and help retain moisture and elasticity during your pregnancy, when we know that skin can be a bit temperamental. Natural essential oils such as Rosehip Seed Oil are just SO GOOD for your skin, I could go on for days! There are also some really wonderful oil blends on the market that are perfect for changing skin, and are gentle, safe, and non-toxic. Here are 5 of my faves. Sundara Holistic is a relatively new brand that is bringing Ayurveda, a 7000 year-old year old system of health and healing from India, to the masses. Sundara’s Tridoshic Face Serum combines ten organic and essential oils that will sink deep into your skin to restore and detox your face while also fighting signs of anti-aging and calming irritated skin. BeautyCounter Number 1 Brightening Oil feels incredibly luxurious, while also being made of natural, botanicals, with no synthetic fillers. It’s got that magic ingredient, Rosehip Seed Oil, along with Grapeseed, Argan, Meadowfoam, and Avocado Oils for the perfect blend of hydration and awakening. It’s a best-seller for a reason! Earth Tu Face has come out of the gate swinging with their high quality, all natural oils. The Nourish + Balance Blue Chamomile and Carrot Seed Oil is perfect for pregnancy skin that may be a bit out of whack and truly needing to find balance again. It’s a super calming and hydrating blend that sinks deep into your pores and is absorbed quickly, so you don’t need to wait ages before going forward with the rest of your skincare routine! S.W. Basics. If you haven’t jumped on the S.W. Basics train yet, I highly recommend you do so immediately! Their organic and oil based natural products are to die for, and the Oil Serum is a perfect gateway into their collection. It’s made with Avocado, Geranium, Tumeric and Coffee Oils; so not only will it hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, but that coffee oil will give you the appearance of being wide-awake, even if all you want to do is take a nap! De Mamiel. If you want something that’s specific for pregnancy, the luxury skincare experts at De Mamiel have you covered. De Mamiel’s Pregnancy Facial Oil is a gluten-free, vegan oil blend of Rosehip, Calendula and Argan oils for soothing your skin, plus Roman Chamomile and Rose Geranium to help you relax. The latest Holidays 10 things to let go of these holidays Life My new year’s resolution? To unleash the power of being gentle in a hard world Life The best things we bought in 2024 that make life just a little easier and more joyful Beauty & Style Shopping Guides The most practical Target collab ever? Meet the limited-edition Bullseye Bogg Bag