Amy Schumer has uterus and appendix removed due to severe endometriosis

Amy Schumer/Instagram
The comedian shared an update straight from her hospital bed post-surgery.
Over the weekend, Amy Schumer shared updates from her hospital bed post-surgery. The actress and comedian underwent surgery to remove her appendix and her uterus due to severe endometriosis, and in true Amy Schumer fashion, she was 100% candid about the whole experience.
She shared a photo of herself wearing a hospital gown and a video, shot by her husband Chris Fischer, where she explained how invasive her endometriosis is and why she had to have both her uterus and appendix removed.
“It’s the morning after my surgery for endometriosis and my uterus is out,” she said. “The doctor found 30 spots of endometriosis he removed. He removed my appendix because the endometriosis had attacked it.”
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She explained there was “a lot of blood” in her uterus, and that despite the post-surgery soreness and “gas pains,” she’s starting to feel more like herself.
“If you have really painful periods you may have #endometriosis,” she captioned the post.
Endometriosis is a common and painful condition where the tissue that lines the uterus begins to grow outside of it with no known cause. It affects approximately one in 10 American women, but women can go years without being diagnosed because some assume it’s just par for the course when it comes to menstruation.
Schumer has opened up about her reproductive health and fertility since welcoming her son, Gene, in 2019. Her endometriosis complicated her delivery. Last year, Schumer shared that she was undergoing in vitro fertilization to try and give Gene a sibling. She later admitted the IVF treatments were too hard on her to continue.
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“We did IVF, and IVF was really tough on me. I don’t think I could ever do IVF again. And so I decided that I can’t be pregnant ever again,” she told TODAY last summer. “We thought about a surrogate, but I think we’re gonna hold off for right now.”
Last year, she told the What To Expecti podcast that while she’d love to be pregnant again, it would likely be too dangerous. “I also have really bad endometriosis and adenomyosis,” she said on the podcast last year. “I could have a baby again, physically, but it might kill me.”
Adenomyosis occurs when the tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrial tissue) grows into the muscular wall of the uterus.
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After sharing her recent surgery images, droves of women commented on her post to thank her for sharing her endometriosis journey and making them feel seen and heard:
“You are saving so many women this pain because of your witness.”
“Oh I understand your suffering… I suffer from endo and adeno, something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I hope that you feel some relief soon.”
“Severe cramping & pain is not “just a normal part of having a period” !!! Docs told me that for 16 years – it took so long to get a proper endo diagnosis! Ladies: pain is never “normal”!!!! “
Wishing Amy Schumer a speedy recovery and nothing but happiness as she continues to heal.