Name: Ali Maffucci


Neighborhood: Jersey City, NJ


Occupation: Founder and CEO of Inspiralized


Baby’s Sex: Male






How would you describe your pregnant style?


It depends on the occasion! Since I work from home, I definitely get stuck in a rut with my favorite girlfriend jeans and a maternity tee or tank. When I meet up with friends or go on dates with my husband, I like to be comfortable but chic. I love form fitting dresses and tops to wear the bump proudly, and I love items with feminine details that are also casual. I’ve mostly given up on heels, so I try to find fun low-heel slides and sandals for summertime, like these suede ones.






Have you had any challenges learning to dress your body during this pregnancy?


Typically, I wouldn’t wear such tight tops, because I’ve always had a larger chest and tried to minimize it. However, now, if I don’t wear form-fitting dresses and tops, my bump and boobs make me look quadruple my size, so I’ve embraced showing it all off in tight dresses and tops, like this easy shirred tank dress, it’s actually super flattering!




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So far, what has surprised you most during your pregnancy?


How friendly people are towards you! I live in an apartment building and I barely talked to people in the elevator or at the gym pre-pregnancy but now, everyone wants to know how far along I am, if it’s a boy or a girl, or to comment on how glowing I am. I’ve definitely made more friends during pregnancy!






What are you most looking forward to sharing with your baby?


Our love for travel! I’m sure I’ll be nervous at first to travel with the baby, but I want to get right into it and show my son the world and how beautiful it is. We actually have my sister’s wedding shortly after the baby’s born, in St. Thomas, so I can’t wait to have him with us. My mother always said vacations became much more fun and meaningful after she had kids, because you get to see your babies so happy and soaking everything in! I can’t wait!




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What’s your top 5 registry essentials?


Dock a Tot (I’ve heard it’s a lifesaver for when you’re working from home and want a safe place to set your infant down)


Rock n Play (my friends have all said things like, “it’s the only place my baby would sleep!” so, I’m considering it a ‘life saver’ and definitely a registry must.


My Breast Friend (I plan to breastfeed, and I’ve heard My Breast Friend is much better than a Boppy! Who knows, but I love that it has pockets and it straps around you securely.)


Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper Bag (I saw these at a baby shower event in NYC and they’re amazing versatile, comfortable for travel, and adorable!)


7 A.M. Enfant WarMMuffs (for mamas with babies in the winter time, I can’t imagine not having these – I hate cold, chapped hands!)






Ali is wearing:




Dress by Boob Design (nursing friendly!)






All photos by Erin Dwyer Photography. Follow Erin Dwyer on Instagram here.