6 reasons January babies are special

3. They are more likely to be doctors—or debt collectors.
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Having a due date during the coldest month in the northern hemisphere means you have plenty of excuses to snuggle up—but the perks to January babies go beyond that.
If you’re starting off the new year with a new baby, consider yourself lucky: Being born early in the year gives people a leg up on competition when it comes to sports, academics and even fame. But you already knew you had a little super star, right?
6 reasons January babies have a unique advantage
1. They are good-natured
Babies born in the midst of winter don’t run as hot as those born during warmer months, according to a 2014 survey—which also found winter babies self-report as generally less irritable than peers.
2. They are on track to sports stardom
According to one study from our mates down under, there were 33% more January babies than “expected” in the Australian Football League. Said co-author Adrian Barnett from Queensland University of the theory behind this, “If you were born in January, you have almost 12 months’ growth ahead of your classmates born late in the year.”
3. They are more likely to be doctors
Researchers across the pond found that January babies are more likely to be general practitioners—as well as debt collectors—than people born at other times of the year.
4. Or they could become a celebrity
One study published in the “Journal of Social Sciences” found a disproportionate number of celebrities claim the Aquarius astrological sign—meaning they were born between January 20 and February 18.
5. They will be a Capricorn or an Aquarius
Speaking of astrology (and depending on how loosely we’re talking science), a January baby is either a Capricorn or an Aquarius. For those born under the Capricorn sign, tradition says to expect a romantic, practical old soul. Meanwhile, babies born later in the January are considered to be independent, deep-thinkers who love helping others.
6. You get bargains on those birthday presents
With the holidays over, stores offer some of their lowest prices of the year—which mean January babies can expect lots of presents on the table at their birthday parties. (So they should feel no shame in asking for the cool toy a friend from school got over winter break.)
Best of all, having a January birthday means something to look forward to during the long days of winter—and yet another good reason to come together as a family.
A version of this post was published January 3, 2018. It has been updated.