Name: Nobar Elmi Golhar

Neighborhood: Clinton Hill, Brooklyn

Occupation: New Product Development Consultant, Communications

Baby’s Gender: Boy

How would you describe your pregnant style?

Honestly, I’ve only slightly adjusted my wardrobe during pregnancy. (I’ve only purchased two “maternity” items.) I’m basically wearing all the same leggings, tights, sweaters, etc. as before. The only exception is that my options are much more limited now that I can only fit into a fraction of my clothes! In general, I would say I try to be comfortable, but also chic and simple. And, I don’t mind showing off my bump with some tighter tops/dresses, but I usually pair it with a cardigan so that it’s not too in your face.

Have you had any challenges learning to dress your body during pregnancy?

Fortunately, I work from home. So, it’s been easier for me because I tend to wear a lot of workout/yoga clothes. I would imagine it would be more difficult if I had to dress for a professional office setting. That said, the one area where I have struggled is with more formal attire. It’s difficult to find nice dresses for weddings or just a night on the town.

So far, what has surprised you most during your pregnancy?

How big my boobs have gotten! (kidding, kind of) Actually, I’m most surprised with how much the little guy moves. I love feeling him kick, punch, and squirm. It makes me feel really connected to him…like that’s his way of communicating with me.

What are you most looking forward to sharing with your baby?

I can’t wait to share endless hugs and kisses! And, I’m most excited to just meet him — to learn his personality and see his sweet face.

What’s your 5 registry essentials?

While I was tempted to fill our registry with super cute and trendy items, I focused instead on the important essentials:

  1. Bottles
  2. Swaddles
  3. Activity center
  4. Bath supplies
  5. Baby carrier

Nobar is wearing:

Black boots (similar style)

Black tights

Sweater dress (similar style)

Gray cardigan (similar style)

Photography by Jonica Moore Studio

Location provided by Katherine Salyi


350 Motherly