34 real thoughts I had when I found out I was pregnant with twins

I went through a rollercoaster of emotions that finally landed me where I am right now—excited to meet my two little ones.
We recently found out we’re expecting twins. It was a shock, a total surprise, one that I’m still recovering from. We wanted more babies—me, probably just one more, my husband, as many as we could get—so even though I was excited about being pregnant I was completely caught off guard when I was told there were multiples growing in my belly.
I went through a rollercoaster of emotions that finally landed me where I am right now—excited to meet my two little ones. But before this excitement, this is what went through my brain:
- Everyone is so serious in this room, oh no, is it bad news?
- She’s still moving the wand around in there so maybe there’s a baby after all.
- Oh, here we go, she’s turning the screen towards me.
- Wait, what? WHAT?
- Did she say two sacs? She said two sacs!
- Why is my husband laughing? I wanna throw a shoe at him.
- Okay, breathe, breathe, maybe they got it wrong.
- Nope, those are clearly two sacs. We are having two babies.
- I wanna cry.
- I wanna laugh.
- How do you even survive with two newborns?
- Omg, can you imagine all the cute outfits we can make them wear?
- No, but wait, how do I carry two babies inside of me? That’s like, impossible.
- We’re gonna need a bigger car.
- We’re gonna need a bigger house!
- We’re gonna need SO MUCH MONEY!
- Maybe if we could afford a night nurse we could survive.
- Should we move closer to family? As in, all the way down to Argentina? We can’t do this without family. No one does this without family right?
- Three under three, we are insane.
- Our oldest is not going to be our baby anymore. I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
- How will we tell them apart?
- Why is my husband still smiling? Is he not worried about anything?
- Ok breathe, everything will be ok, you got this.
- Everything happens for a reason, I’ll find out why soon.
- Well, now my husband can get a vasectomy and we can be a family of five.
- I mean, if anyone can do it, it’s us, right?
- Two babies… my heart….
- Our son will probably be the best brother ever.
- Or will he not?
- How did we get so lucky?
- We’ve got this!